What Is Protein Essays

Submitted By RENEE46
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Annotated Bibliography
Women, drugs, crime, and prison: Do they really change?
Ann Fields
University of Phoenix

Annotated Bibliography
Bureau of Justice Statistics. (2009). Drug use and Crime. Retrieved from http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/index.cfm?ty=tp&tid=352 This website gives clear and concise statistical information about women prisoners and crimes they have committed while under the influence of drugs or for drug related issues. This article will serve the purpose of providing real numbers of crimes per drug related offenses.
Correctional Association of New York. (2009). Women in prison fact sheet. Retrieved from http://www.correctionalassociation.org/resource/women-in-prison-fact-sheet This website also gives percentages of women in prison due to drug related problems. It gives percentages of women who are still in prison and if the women population has increased or declined in recent years. I will use this site for those numbers alone.
Kilty, J. M. (2012). ‘It’s like they don’t want you to get better’: Psy control of women in the carceral context. Feminism & Psychology, 22(2), 162-182. This article reveals why women revert back to using drugs and why they feel that no matter what they will always be judged because of their drug use and/or because of what they did while under the influence of drugs. I will use this article in the rehabilitation portion of my essay as a means to “justify” why sometimes women relapse.
Plugge, E., Yudkin, P., & Douglas, N. (2009). Changes in women's use of illicit drugs following imprisonment. Addiction, (104), 215-222. This article provides percentages and reason why women stopped using drugs after being in prison. The number of women using drugs before prison changed drastically after they were convicted and released from prison. I will use this article as proof that some women change after prison. It will provide information about different activities and programs used to help guide them along.
Roberts, A. C., & Nishimoto, R. (2006, Winter). Barriers to engaging and retaining African- American post-partum women in drug treatment. Journal of Drug Use, 36(1), 53-75. Ethnically speaking, does race play a role in the way women seek and retain treatments for their drug use? This article will be used as a means to decipher the difference between ethnic groups and the way they seek help and if it actually helps. What, if any, problems (psychological or emotion) do they suffer from?
Roberts, J. C., & Wolfer, L. (2011, January). Female Drug Offenders Reflects on their experiences with a county drug court program. Qualitative Report, 16(1), 84-102. This source