Protein Article Research
Protein is essential to our bodies. It is broken down within our body, and then replaced by the nourishment we ingest. There is a lot of misconception surrounding protein. I have learned several eye opening facts about protein through the research conducted during this course. It is important to understand types of protein, the roll of amino acids, and the risks of consuming too much or too little protein. To avoid under or overconsumption of protein we should also understand how much protein we should be eating specific to our age and gender, identify good sources of protein, and note negative effects of too much protein. Having a good overall knowledge of how protein really works is just one step to leading a healthier life, and improving quality of life.
There are three types of protein. The three types of protein are complete, incomplete, and complimentary. Complete proteins provide the body all of the essential amino acids, and they are also referred to as high quality proteins. Incomplete proteins have at least one essential amino acid missing from them. Complimentary proteins are a combination of multiple incomplete proteins that together provide all the essential amino acids. As the classification of proteins is related to the amino acids it provides, it is vital to understand the role amino acids play in building protein to keep the body healthy.
Our bodies need the amino acids from sources of protein to be healthy. Of the twenty amino acids found in protein, nine cannot be made by the body. This means that they must be ingested through sources of protein. Lacking in essential amino acids can have bad effects on the body, adversely too much protein can also have negative effects on the body.
While protein deficient diets are not extremely common in the United States it is in relevant in other parts of the world. The effects of protein deficiency can be deadly. Protein- energy malnutrition, kwashiorkor, and marasmus are all diseases that are a direct result of protein deficiency. On the other hand, anyone with kidney problems can become dehydrated if they have too much protein in their diet. It is really best to find a balance that works best for each person individually. To do this you need to know what amount of protein you need daily based on age and sex.
I am a twenty- seven year old woman. I should be consuming forty- six grams of protein every day. The same cannot be said for a male my same age, which should be getting ten grams more than that. Teens and children also have different amount of protein they should be consuming each day. It is not enough to just understand how many gram of protein you should have every day, but also to be able to identify what good sources of protein are.