Essay on Unit 3

Submitted By JasperTJ
Words: 1156
Pages: 5

Unit 3
Understanding the Principles and Practices of Internally
Assuring the Quality of Assessment

3.1 Evaluate different techniques for sampling evidence of assessment, including use of technology:

There are a wide variety of techniques for sampling evidence of assessment all valuable for different reasons which consist of the following:

direct observation of the learner’s performance by their assessor (O) outcomes from oral or written questioning (Q&A) products of the learner’s work (P) personal statements and/or reflective accounts (RA) outcomes from simulation, where permitted by the assessment strategy (S) professional discussion (PD) assignment, project/case studies (A) authentic statements/witness testimony (WT) expert witness testimony (EPW) evidence of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

Assessment Plans

Within LLE we use assessment plans as a vital part of the sampling process the evidence to be sampled is often planned and agreed together (assessor/learner), and jointly signed to further validate. These plans are also used for progression reviews to reflect, evaluate and plan the learner’s journey for completing the qualification to the awarding bodies’ standards.

To support the assessment plans further documentation is used these consist of:

Individual Learning Plans
Contact Logs
Review sheets
Witness/Observation Statement’s


IQA’s will use a variety of different practice methods to maintain good quality standards. Good practices would consist of:

Graded observations
Standardisation/Team meetings
One to One support
Sharing of best practice and ideas

By using a variety of practices the Quality Assurance team can identify strengths and weaknesses within the team or in individuals and provide support where needed.


Feedback is an extremely important feature of the sampling process no matter what the IQA has monitored sampled, observed or witnessed the feedback given to the assessor must be of good quality, it should be constructive, specific and designed to improve practice. It is good practice for the feedback to be given verbally and in written format it should be aimed at the assessor and not the learner. The IQA’s comments must be positive and honest to enable the assessor to improve their practice with agreed steps and timescales.

It is also good practice for the IQA to give positive feedback, let the assessor know you they have identified what they have done well and remember to record the process in detail.


Within in LLE IQA’s often rely upon access to electronic copies of learner’s work and assessor’s feedback this is often in the form of scanned information being emailed or the use of a management programme called Learning Assistant. Learning Assistant is a market-leading e-portfolio system designed to enable the IQA, assessor and learner instant access to work products and feedback.

Modern technology such as learning platforms are becoming increasingly popular

A learning platform:

‘A learning platform is an integrated set of interactive online services that provide teachers, learners, parents and others involved in education with information, tools and resources to support and enhance educational delivery and management.’ (

Lead Internal Verifiers have access to on online platform called OSCA which provides standardisation materials to support them in their role within teams for standardisation.

Interim and summative sampling

Interim sampling

It is important that the IQA checks the assessment process undertaken with the learner at varies stages. This should maybe include reviewing learner work before assessors have made their decisions and looking at learner’s portfolios when one or two units of work have been completed, also the IQA should check the assessor’s feedback given to learners to evaluate the quality of formative guidance on assessment and the