Cuboidal epithelia is discovered in the glands, the lining of the kidney tubules and the ducts of the glands. Simple cuboidal cells are functioned to create eggs cells within a woman’s ovaries and sperm cells for men. Further to this, it’s tightly structured together with little space between them. It’s functioned to absorb, secrete and excrete substances. In the intestines the epithelial cell absorbs the nutrients throughout digestion. The epithelial cell within the glands secrete hormones and enzymes. The kidney excretes waste and the sweat glands excrete perpetration. Cuboidal epithelia has its name because the cells of the tissue are about the same height, width and depth but they may not necessarily be exactly cube shaped1.
This appears to have flat layers and it’s thin. The simple squamous cell helps to regulate what is able to move from the lumen into the bloodstream2. This lines the air sacs, alveoli of the lungs. The simple squamous epithelial in the alveoli enables oxygen from the air to come into the blood that in the capillaries of the lung. Carbon dioxide (which is a waste product) goes through the epithelium of the alveoli and eliminated from the body3. Endothelium (a simple squamous epithelium) lines the inner surface – the arteries, veins and capillaries. It’s functioned to reduce the amount of friction to enable smooth blood flow. Endothelial cells in the arteries and veins help in the tightening or dilation of blood vessels which controls the blood flow and pressure4. Simple squamous epithelial within kidneys allow for filtration of the blood and the diffusion of tiny molecules. This then enables the kidney to get rid of waste products and excess water away from the body in the urine5.
This appears to be tall and column-shaped, it makes up the lining of the stomach and intestines. This is involved in moving the ovum through the fallopian tube to the uterus. It’s used to secrete mucus or slime which protects the rest of the surface from damage. It has cilia which enables transport for substances over the surface, such as mucus. It’s a lubricating substance that keeps the surface smooth6.
Nervous Tissue
The nervous system manages the electrical impulses that we get, and it senses the stimuli. This involves the neuron, it consists of a nucleus which controls the cells activities. Dendrites - which come in the form of many short extensions of the cells body and where nerve impulses are normally received. The majority of the cell bodies of neurons are in the central nervous system - spinal cord, brain or the ganglia that is just outside the spinal cord. There’s the axon which transmits impulses, it communicates information in both chemical and electrical ways. Signals from the nervous tissue cause muscle contractions and it has a responsibility for the body’s cavities and nerve processes.
Types of Muscle tissue
Smooth muscle
This creates the muscle layer in the wall of organs such as the digestive tract which slows for the movement of substances. It’s an involuntary non-striated muscle. In a woman’s uterus, smooth muscles help to push out the baby when giving birth. The muscular walls of the intestines tighten to push food through the body. The muscles in the bladder wall tighten to get rid of the urine from our body7.
Skeletal muscle
This covers the skeleton and provides the body with shape. It’s connected to the skeleton by tough, springy tendons or can be connected straight from the rough patches of the bone. Skeletal muscle is voluntary so the person can have control over what they do. This involves being able to consciously walk, move your head around under your control. Further to this, the body movement happens because of the skeletal muscle contraction. The purposes of skeletal
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