Essay about A & P I Discussion Questions Week 2

Submitted By tammystephens45
Words: 821
Pages: 4

Analyze the anatomical structure of ten different organelles in the cell and their respective functions. There are actually about 16 +/- organelles in a cell (Fundamentals, 2014, p. 70). For the purpose of this question, we will discuss only 10 of them. First, there are nonmembranous organelles. The cytoskeleton consists of microfiber and microfilament which are proteins of specific organizations. They are there mostly for support and structure but also have a part in transport. The microvilli is a membrane of microfilaments for absorption of things outside the cell. The centrosome has centrioles which are at a right angle to each other to move the chromosomes during cellular division. The cilia are tiny hair-like organelles that move things across the surface of the cell. The ribosomes are Ribonucleic acids plus proteins used for protein synthesis. Proteasomes take care of the abnormal cellular proteins. Next, are the membranous organelles. These begin with the mitochondria which are the powerhouse or source of energy for the cell. The endoplasmic reticulum consists of the smooth and rough ER. This is responsible for cellular synthesis, transportation, and storage for the cell. The Golgi apparatus is made up of flat membranes that package and store for the cell. The lysosomes are vesicles which remove problem organelles. There are also the vesicles called peroxisomes which catabolize and neutralize. Finally, there is the nucleus. Within the nucleus is the nuclear envelope (which really is just the nuclear membrane for containment) and the nuclear pore. Basically, the nucleus is the brain of the cell. It stores and processes information for the cell, controls metabolism and protein synthesis. There is also a nucleolus within the nucleus that contains the DNA and RNA for the cell.
Distinguish among the four tissue types found in the human body. Provide an example of each type with their function and location. There are four tissue type within the human body. They are listed as follows along with where they are found and what they do according to the textbook Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology:
Epithelial tissue, which covers exposed surfaces, lines internal passageways and chambers, and forms glands.
Connective tissue, which fills internal spaces, provides structural support for other tissues, transports materials within the body, and stores energy reserves.
Muscle tissue, which is specialized for contraction and includes the skeletal muscles of the body, the muscle of the heart, and the muscular walls of hollow organs.
Neural tissue, which carries information from one part of the body to another in the form of electrical impulses. (Fundamentals, 2014, p 112)

Epithelial tissue is found mostly with in the skin and intestinal tract. It lines most of the body cavities and makes up the structure of the lungs. The purpose of the epithelial cells is mainly to act as a barrier. The connective tissue is found in the blood vessels, skeletal structure, and in fat (Fundamentals, 2014, p 124). It is a supportive tissue that is used for transport, storage, structure, protection, and defense. Next, the muscle tissue is found is found in the skeletal makeup, the heart, and in many internal organs. Its main function is movement but is also involved in protection (Fundamentals, 2014, p 140). Lastly, the neural tissue and makes up the nervous system. It is for the transportation of information through electrical impulses.