Michael Dell Research Paper

Submitted By tastesofgreen124
Words: 455
Pages: 2

Michael Dell
Research paper
Michael Dell created Dell Computer Corporation in his dorm, and it soon became a megawatt computer corporation. By 1992 Michael Dell was the youngest CEO of his fortune 500 company just 8 years after Dell was founded. Michael Dell was born February 23, 1965 where his parents were a stockbroker and an orthodontist. His parents wanted him to be a doctor but he always had a knack for technology. He started working at 12 so that he could save up for his first computer. He went to the University of Austin in Texas, and was raised in Houston, Texas. Currently he has a wife and four kids. He is ranked number 41 on Forbes Riches people in the world list.
Since the computer industry was new, he started his own idea. He withdrew $1,000 from his bank and started building and selling computers for people at his college. In 1984 Dells first full year in business earned him $6 Million in sales. By 2000, Dell was a billionaire with offices in thirty-four different countries, and an employee count of over 35,000 and was the biggest computer maker in the world.
Dells first twenty years proved one of the most successful businesses on the planet. In 1999, Dell published a best-selling book “Direct from Dell: Strategies that revolutionized the industry”. His book tells others how to build their businesses and what worked for him. He tells his readers how he started and grew his business and then moves on to talk about how to build relationships with vendors. Michael Dell and his wife Susan, also started their own charity; The Michael and Susan Dell Foundation. Their charity focuses on the health and