Strategic Corporate Communication in Vodacom Essay

Words: 2648
Pages: 11


Strategic Corporate Communication is communication that happens in a corporation e.g. business, company, shop or group of companies. It is about laying a plan to reach the intended objectives of the company. Let say if the company needs to make profits it should have its strategic plan to reach that goal. On the other hand, those strategic plans must involve internal and external public. Mainly Strategic Corporate Communication is supported by a detailed research plan.

Corporate communication is now making its entrance in Tanzania though it claims historical links to the field of Public Relations. The core functions of corporate communications are more similar to those of Public Relations though they differ a bit. This

It is reflected in its organization structure, and is referred to as The Head of Division of Corporate Affairs who reports direct to the Vodacom Managing Director. (see appendex1). The corporate Affairs office has to take care of employee relations, community relations, media relations, government relations, investor relations, advertising and marketing communications functions. This indicates that communication is a core value to Vodacom.

Vodacom strategic corporate communication plan is to incorporate internal and external stake holders very closely to an overall corporate communication strategy. To keep them informed on the progress of implementing the strategy and to ensure that communications with the Vodacom management is directed to strategic planning development.

This strategic corporate communication plan gives Vodacom an opportunity to link strategy with communications and preserves the direct connection with the management.

Strategy and corporate communication case studies.

The corporate communication function needs to add significant value to the business and must be fully aligned with those making high impact strategic decision for the company. Every organization has its goals, and we need to develop a strategy to accomplish those goals. Through corporate communication it is easier to know the organization vision (where we want to go) and mission (reasons for existence). Then the strategy has to be