Communication In A Care Setting

Submitted By BenSymonds
Words: 717
Pages: 3

1 - Understand why effective communication is important in the work setting
1.1 Identify the different reasons people communicate:
People communicate for many different reasons. A few are listed below:
Request things: A client may request something as simple as picking something up that they may have dropped
Express feelings: A client may be feeling down or mad about something
Social: A client may communicate for social reasons, communicating with people form relationships and friendships and more than likely communicate on a regular basis.
1.2 Explain how communication affects relationships in the work setting:
Communication can lead to good or poor service within an adult social care setting. Good communication with service users encourages participation in activities therefore promoting equality within the care setting. The service user can gain the trust and understanding from the care worker and therefore communicate with ease the needs that individual requires. Good communication amongst staff encourages a better working relationship and ensures all tasks are completed and to a high standard. Good communication between staff members is important to ensure problems are picked up and rectified quickly and shared amongst staff. Such as an elderly service user having a preference to a bath rather than shower, the service user communicates this information effectively to staff and staff listening and understanding that the service user hates and gets very distressed with water on their face due to a past incident and communicates this information on to their colleagues. Good communication amongst staff and service users ensures that the service user is never put in this distressing situation again and staff can attend to her hygiene needs by bathing her instead.

2 - Be able to meet the communication and language needs, wishes and preferences of individuals
2.2 Describe the factors to consider when promoting effective communication
Factors to consider when communication could be:
Is the environment appropriate for communication ( is it well lit, quiet and confidential)
Does the service user have the abilities to understand
Do I need to adapt my communication for the individual such as speak louder or use gestures.
Does the service user need an interpreter or a family member to be present, or do they need the communication to be delivered in writing
How is the person going to respond to my communication
Consider the type of communication that I am delivering such as is it sensitive, formal, or non-formal.
3 - Be able to overcome barriers communication
3.1 explain how people from different backgrounds may use and/or interpret communication methods in different ways
People use communication differently some country's a word can have different meanings or they may speak more formally, others informally. When we speak, we should slowly and clearly as they may misinterpret us, this can cause misunderstandings.

3.2 Identify barriers to effective communication
Stroke, unable to pronounce words