World History Unit 4 Notes Old World Essay

Submitted By Hannah Mae-Rabourn
Words: 2441
Pages: 10

Before the Industrial Revolution... ­Most people were engaged in farming on public land around their home ­Some people were involved in specialized industries, but not very many ­Most goods were produced in the immediate area Industrial Revolution ­began around 1750; people began to make use of early machines to increase production ­First industry is the textile (clothes) industry; this was made possible by new developments including the... ­Water frame spinning machine ­Spinning Jenny ­Flying shuttle ­This leads to the development of other industries like transportation, paper, construction, chemicals, etc. ­Originally the power was run by water, but later steam allowed for higher production Steam Engine ­Originally made by Thomas Newcomen; utilizes burning coal to heat water, but is highly inefficient ­Was later improved by James Watt to be more efficient in manufacturing Crop rotation ­Four­field Crop rotation increased crop rotation by almost 50% ­These new techniques in the farming process, along with new inventions like the seed drill led the greater production and less need for farmers Why did the Industrial Revolution start in England? England had... ­Concentrated urban population ­Legal protection and private property ­Access to foreign markets and resources ­A wealthy upper class and more affluent population ­Low relative population and high wages ­Abundance of rivers and canals for shipping and machine power ­Natural resources such as coal, iron, and timber Industrialism spread to... ­Mainland Europe by 1800 ­North America by 1850 ­Japan by 1870 ­Russia by 1930 ­Much of the rest of the world by 1960 Impact of Industrialism

­As production increased, the need for raw goods and markets to sell finished goods began to increase ­Areas that were not industrialized began to engage in single export economies ­The profits from the sale of these goods was used to purchase finished products from industrialized countries ­These products included: ­Rubber ­Sugar ­Metals ­Wheat ­Cotton Industrial Revolution in India ­Britain was agriculturally dependent on India for its cotton in the 1600s. However, with industrialization, Britain no longer needed finished cotton because they could produce in themselves ­This took a lot of profits away from India and led to India becoming very poor and impoverished. ­This led to Britain taking advantage of India, which eventually led to the Indian Rebellion of 1857. Industrial Revolution in China ­Previously, the Qing and Ming Dynasties had limited European trade; only traded silver ­Britain and France attempted to push more heavily into China to find more markets for their finished goods ­This drain of silver results in the widespread use of paper currency in much of Europe.
This currency was held up to a gold standard ­The british introduced opium to china. Opium quickly became a major transport and illegal through China. ­ China fought the British to end the opium trade. British victory will result in many trading ports and the legalization of opium. British gained control of Hong Kong. ­ China will resist the economic change and stay preindustrial due to Confucian teachings. ­ However. some advancements will be made due to the Self­Strengthening Movement. ­ This idea is china needs to be strong to keep out western powers.
Effects of the Industrial Revolution ­ Farmers were becoming less needed and more workers were needed for the factories. ­ This increased urbanization (high population density) ­ Bc of this the cost of living will increase forcing recent migrants into unsanitary housing blocks, tenements.