Using the Triage Assessment Essay

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Pages: 5

Using the Triage Assessment
Tisha Lane COUN5238 – Crisis Assessment and Intervention
15879 Willoughby Lane
Ft. Myers, FL 33905
Professor: Dr. Jamison Law
This paper will discuss the case of Ariadne; it will summarize the diagnostic skills and techniques used to screen for addiction, aggression, and danger to self and others, as well as co-occurring mental disorders during a crisis, disaster, or other trauma-causing event. It will evaluate the key elements of the crisis, disaster, or trauma-causing event to include the nature of the crisis and associated risks, including client and counselor safety. This paper will differentiate the

In accordance with Myers, Williams, Ottens, & Schmidt’s Crisis Assessment tool, Ariadne has shown affective signs through; Affect is incongruent with situation, extended periods of intense negative moods. Her mood is experienced noticeably more intensely than situation warrants, liability of affect may be present, and effort is required to control emotions.
The key elements of the crisis include: Ariadne’s previous suicidal ideations, plan, method, means, and attempt. In addition, Ariadne’s continued running away from home and exhibition of depression in congruence with attaining appropriate assistance, as well as, her utilization of alcohol and drugs. Ariadne has begun to express feelings of isolation in her community as well as at home through her previous eight counseling sessions which has evolved into anger and anxiety. Finally, Ariadne has medication and alcohol in her room allowing for ready to use methods at any given time. Ariadne has previously exhibited behaviors such as; attempted suicide, running away, utilizing/consuming alcohol and drugs; this has put her personal safety at risk. The imminent safety concern readily available to Ariadne is that of her having access to the alcohol and medication.
The characteristics of the crisis state versus developmentally appropriate reactions to life obstacles are that Ariadne’s crisis contains mixtures of emotional and behavioral processes that have exacerbated and comprised her