Supervisor: Leadership and Line Supervisor Essay

Submitted By nash1971
Words: 1301
Pages: 6

First Line Supervisor /OIC Training

It should be noted that being chosen as an OIC candidate is a crucial step in your career development. It is probably one of the most difficult positions in law enforcement. You will be expected to be a leader even when you are not in charge

The OIC position is meant to develop your leadership skills and will assist you in obtaining your goal of becoming a ranking member of the management team

By becoming an OIC you should not assume that you will automatically progress to the next rank. You will have to continually show that you are ready, willing and able to assume a ranking position.

You should be congratulated on taking this first step toward your future, and feel free to approach any member of the supervisory team to assist you as you move forward.

Selection to a leadership role in any department is a rewarding yet difficult role, as a new leader you will be challenged by all levels of the organization. You will be challenged by your superiors to make decisions that are in the best interest of the college and the department.

You will be challenged by your peers to not do or say anything that will put you in a better light than them ,and most of all your subordinates (former peers) who will expect you to let them slide when they violate policy ,or don’t follow through on a particular task.

Remember in your role as a supervisor you are the eye an ears of the administration when you are on duty and the highest ranking person on campus during a particular time.

You are a representative of the command staff as such you must be able to put personal relationships aside when you become aware of any information that will or will not become detrimental to the operation of this department.

In difficult situations and there will be many situations that you will face as a First Line Supervisor you will be looked at and judged by your superiors and subordinates by the decisions you make and the way you conduct yourself.

For a period of four to six weeks you will be assigned to a senior supervisor on a regular shift. The supervisor trainer will evaluate you on a daily basis and offer information, experience and guidance to you during your adjustment to your new role.

Shift Activity

Roll Call - During this time information from the previous shifts should be relayed to the staff coming on duty, the information on the clipboards should be disseminated to the staff. The information on the boards should contain BOLO’s, High Priority areas of activity, training bulletins etc.

Also inspections of each officers equipment and making sure especially that officers are in possession of their police identification, state police warrant card and their firearms license.

Vehicle inspection should occur at the beginning and end of each shift, the inspection should occur on all department vehicles.

Patrol- During varied points of the shift you should be out on the street insuring that the officers on the street are visible and ready to respond to calls. Also during the shift you should be aware of the activity inside the station paying close attention to the dispatch area.

End of shift the patrol staff should remain on the street until the oncoming shift has completed roll call. With any routine criminal activity will occur during the period of shift change.

Each shift creates and maintains a shift log you are expected to review and or correct any information that is not accurate or contains spelling errors. You are responsible for the final document which you should sign and place into the Lieutenant’s mailbox for review.

You should have a working knowledge of department and college policy as you will be held accountable when they have been violated.

Leadership – The art of influencing, directing, guiding and controlling others in such a way as to obtain their willing obedience, confidence,