Communication and Feedback Essay

Submitted By bp26bp
Words: 4363
Pages: 18

Colorado Technical University
Communication and Feedback: Key to a Company’s Success

Professor Mike Boyd
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for
Graduate Research Methods

Colorado Springs, Colorado
23 June 2012

Feedback is a positive tool companies use to ensure their employees are producing at the highest levels. Job performance can have a direct impact on the production levels of a company. Communication is the key to encouraging stronger relationships between managers and employees. It provides trust in the company and increases the motivation of its workers. The research objective of this proposal is to determine how communication and performance feedback increases employee’s trust in the company which in turn motivates them to increase their production levels.
This research proposal will identify the importance of communication and performance feedback within a company. The research design used for this proposal will focus primarily on secondary data from previous studies completed on this subject, as well as a projected experiment using two different groups, with one group utilizing performance feedback sessions. A sample will be taken from these numerous studies, as well as various subject matters such as the different types of performance feedbacks available and the influence feedback has on a company’s production levels. Analysis will be conducted to identify potential solutions to improving employee production using communication and performance feedback methods.

Performance feedback is a positive tool companies use to ensure their employees are producing at the highest levels. Job performance can have a direct impact on the production levels of a company. There are many objectives organizations seek in improving upon the production levels of their personnel which include “improved performance, improved motivation, job clarification, improved communication between workers and management, skill development, and an ability to provide workers with a general sense of the organization’s overall direction and vision.” (Roberts, 2000)
A major problem exists in many companies today regarding the decreased performance levels of its employees. There are many symptoms to this problem which include lack of motivation, lack of trust in the leadership of the company, “what’s in it for me” type of attitude, etc. These are just a few of the many symptoms being observed today. These symptoms are usually a sign that the successfulness of a company may be in danger if the problem is not fixed.
Communication is the key to encouraging stronger relationships between managers and subordinates. It provides trust in the company and increases the motivation of its workers. The research objective of this proposal is to determine how communication and performance feedback increases employee’s trust in the company which in turn motivates them to increase their production levels. Studies have shown that lack of communication in a company can have a negative impact on employee’s work ethic. Communicating with employees can produce a behavioral change. If employees know that the company cares about them and that they make a difference in the company’s bottom line, then the employees tend to get motivated to produce more work.
Most organizations work as a team, and effective teams encourage a work atmosphere of open communication among its workers. Subordinates tend to not accept performance feedback from their supervisors if they have no trust in their supervisor or their organization. Open communication will break down barriers in accepting effective feedback and encourage subordinates to increase their performance levels. Feedback sessions are only effective if they are conducted frequently as once or twice a year may not be enough to motivate some subordinates. Feedback should be a continuous process, and as easy as praising