of the bus tiredly. “Good morning” Mrs. Patty greeted me. I always left home in Spanish, and always arrived to school (which my parents also affectionately referred to as “work”) in English. “Inglés es solo para la escuela”, my father would remind me. His concern with speaking English at home and at school was that would I forget my roots. HE would criticize the Hispanics with “faces that were indigenous, but languages that weren’t.” These Hispanics were an example of what my father didn’t want me…
Martinez ENGLISH 103 5th December 2012 SPANISH AS FIRST LANGUAGE IN USA Spanish will soon cease to be seen as an optional foreign language and become one of the two most widely spoken languages in the United States. The change will not be in the distant future, but will still take at least one or two more generations to achieve this change in perception of the language, according to the study changing US perceptions of the Spanish language by Suzanne Irizarry de Lopez, Member of the Council…
and El Salvador. It was the greatest experienced that I will remember forever and never forget. At some point, I feel like this is happening right at where am at, it just amazing because I get chance to make friends who all speaks at least two languages just like me. Every year, my high school has an event called…
tell people. Only my close friends and family know that my name is spelt El Lise. I love how my mom did that just because it is different and unique. Sometimes when my middle name is put in the roster for attendance the teacher always thinks it’s a Spanish speaking person because of El in the front. That is probably something you never knew about me. I’m twenty years old I was born on August sixteenth. I’m a Leo. I have blue eyes and am an American. I have a really fun personality. My hometown is Little…
Spanish 1 vocab Buenas diasBuenas nochesBuenas tardesEncantadoIgualmenteMucho gustoComo esta ud?Que pasa?Y tu? / Y usted?Hasta luegoHasta mananaNos Vemos! | Good morningGood eveningGood afternoonDelightedLikewisePleased to meet youHow are you?What’s happening?And you?See you later!See you tomorrow!See you! | Que hora es?Es la unaSon las… y/menos…Y cuarto/ menos cuartoY media | What time is it?It’s one o’clockIt’s… (time)Quarter past/ quarter toThirty/ half past | El boligrafoLa carpetaEl cuardernoLa…
Travel to Mexico and play Soccer! By Carolina Budnik Goals; Meet new people Get better at playing soccer Learn a new language You need to; Be a good team player Have a positive attitude Be open minded in trying new things Have good communication skills Have fun! Some things to know before you come to Mexico; -Hello! > Hola! -How are you? > Como estas? -I am good > Bien -In Mexico people greet each other by a simple hand shake or sometimes a kiss on the cheek. -You should…
businesses in town. I wasn’t used to people just speaking Spanish the only time I heard people speak Spanish was at my grandmothers. Even the school had a hard time with the sudden change of the Hispanic up rise. The stores went from just having things in English to having them in Spanish as well it was almost like a plaque everywhere you turned they the stores tended to compensate for people who couldn’t speak English or read English. Spanish/Mexican Restaurant started to spread like a virus about…
Kevin PinerosCreative Project (Poem)10/10/14 1) It all started at age 2 where I began learning Spanish and not Spanglish. 2) Sometimes it was a challenge to learn two languages so young but I also sung words to remember 3) From elementary school to middle and to high school seemed like going on a cruel looking rollercoaster in dorney park 4) It used to hit me back then remembering taking an ESL class and speech class just to improve my English skills, but…
our parents. My primary influences in my life are my parents, they have been teaching me since I can remember. Starting from when I was a toddler helping me walk on my own two feet. Teaching me my native language punjabi, which I must say is awfully hard to learn if it isn't your first language. My parents as well as other parents I'm supposing taught me right from wrong. Teaching me what is moral and immoral , how to treat other kids, how to be respectful to relatives and other elders. In my…
making Spanish language a mandatory class for students each year because of the demographic changes in the United States. Students already fluent in Spanish may enroll in Spanish literature courses. Write a letter to your school board that takes a position and either supports the mandatory Spanish language classes or not. Do you want to waste your time for a language you do not want to learn? Anyone would love to learn the language of his or her choice. If Spanish is a mandatory language in school…