Essay on Research Summary and Ethical Considerations
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Research Summary and Ethical Considerations Lisa Overfield Grand Canyon University Introduction to Nursing Research NRS 433V November 30, 2012
Research Summary and Ethical Considerations Obesity is a problem sweeping across our nation with incredible speed and the prevalence of pediatric obesity is a continually increasing problem. Never before in history have children risked outliving their parents and developing middle-aged adult illnesses while still young. School nurses hold enormous potential to affect change in the area of children’s health and pediatric obesity, however many are not taking advantage of the opportunities placed before them for a Assisting nurses in their approach and interview techniques may also help reduce communication barriers. Motivation Interviewing is a technique that focuses on the patient’s values and concerns rather than the goals of the interviewer. The implications on nursing from this study are the undeniable value of CME opportunities addressing the assessment and treatment of pediatric obesity as well as training on effective communication techniques. Nurses who are properly educated and given the tools need to do their job with confidence; excellence and skill will greatly impact their environment. Staff wellness initiatives are encouraged as the school nurse leads her/his peers in being healthy examples for children, youth, and families. This study was approved by the institutional review board (Human Subjects Committee) of the University of Kansas. Privacy was maintained and all names were removed from the surveys. No specific ethical issues regarding treatment or lack of treatment were identified. However about half of the nurses felt they had an obligation to address and intervene in situations involving children who were either obese or at risk for becoming obese even though this may not be their current practice. As expected evidence supported several barriers to communication previously identified as well as identifying new
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