Persuasive Essay About Pizza

Submitted By glangley
Words: 411
Pages: 2

In Praise of Pepperoni

You roll out of bed, stumble down the hall, and turn into the kitchen. Grabbing a box of cereal, and opening the fridge door, you reach for your gallon of 2 percent. But wait – what is this? The unimaginable has happened. You’re out of milk. Grumbling and reaching to slam the fridge door, you stop. It catches your eye. There, on the bottom shelf, just above the crisper, sits the white cardboard box that will solve all of your problems. Pizza is the perfect breakfast food. Not only is it tasty and convenient, but it is nutritious as well. What could be tastier than pizza? Loaded with your favorite ingredients that blend and melt together, it may be the most scrumptious food this side of Rome. Thumb through your local phone book. The evidence is overwhelming. One out of every 10 restaurants is a pizza establishment. Furthermore, many restaurants that don’t advertise it as their main menu item still offer it: if only as a choice on the kid’s menu. Even if you don’t agree that pizza is a delectable entrée, you can’t deny how convenient it is – even for breakfast. Assuming that you ordered from the local carryout or pizza delivery the night before, it’s as close and easy as your refrigerator shelf. If not, one can be stored quite nicely in the freezer. Either way, a quick trip to the microwave warms up your breakfast selection. However, if that proves to be too much work for you, I have found that a cold slice of your favorite pizza pie is just as tasty.