Concise and Informative Title that Reflects The Findings of the Experiment
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A. Author and B. Author (MARB 301, Section 40x)
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Texas A&M University at Galveston, Genetics Lab (MARB 301), 200 Seawolf Parkway, Classroom
Laboratory Building, Galveston, TX 77553
Provide a brief summary of your findings in general terms that will entice me to read on
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Up to 100 words.
In your own words provide a general introduction to the experiment, including the objectives and/or questions to be answered as related to the experiment.
Up to 200 words.
Material and Methods
In your own words, briefly describe the methods used for the experiment. You do not need to list all of the materials you used for the experiment at the start of this section. You just need to integrate them into the main body of the methods, mentioning them as they occur in each step. As for the procedure itself, provide a written narrative in past tense.
Up to 200 words.
Results and Discussion
Summarize both the results and most important findings of the experiment. Interpret your results.
Report all measurements and calculations. Here you can use the worksheet questions or what I went over in lab to build this section. The written narrative of the results should be in past tense and the discussion should focus on your interpretation of the results. Here you can use the questions from your worksheet to guide the discussion.
Up to 200 words.
Provide a brief summary statement of the success and/or failure of the experiment. Would you have done anything differently?
Up to 100 words.
Up to 3 references. No word limit. No websites please.
Figures (or Tables)
Materials Benson's Microbiological Applications, 12th Ed. (short version) This is a full color, spiral-bound, paperback version of the lab manual which is available from the UIC Bookstore ( OR Benson’s Microbiological Applications, 12th Ed. (short version) (e-Book) This is a full color, electronic version of the lab manual which is available from the McGraw-Hill eBookstore for a significant discount. (…
with your writing assignments or for general writing support: • Visit the OSU Writing Center. Call 688-6429 to make an appointment, drop by, or visit their website at: • Visit the Purdue University online writing lab (OWL) at: • Visit the following site for APA citation format: TABLE OF C ON TE N TS I. Introduction ..........................................................…
Student Guide and Lab Report Combined Laboratory: Gas Laws How do quantities of gases change with changing amounts, pressures, temperatures, and volumes? Balloons are containers of gas that you will use to explore such questions. Specifically, you will look at how the volume of a gas changes with temperature. The Student Guide is the Lab Procedure to follow Lab Report is found on this document – after the Student Guide. Fill out the Lab Report and submit the whole document to the dropbox to submit…
all the technological distractions. One important question Americans are faced with across the globe is whether the treatment of animals for lab experiments is ethically and morally acceptable. Scientists should be allowed to use animals for lab experiments as long as they are treated with respect and dignity. Scientists must also follow ethical guidelines put in place by the government to continue such experiments. The loss of animals’ lives due to these experiments is acceptable and worth the practice…
Laboratory Reports Guideline Laboratory reports serve a multitude of functions for the scientist. These include: Ÿ Observations leading to and rational for the experiment Ÿ Precisely how the experiment was performed Ÿ The results of the experiment Ÿ What the results prove or could mean Ÿ Communicate to others what was done and why Ÿ Allow others to repeat the experiment The report is written in a technical manner (3rd person omniscient, do not use “I” or “we”) and in the past tense…
is informative and can provide a foundation for additional tests of the hypothesis, you might need modification of the hypothesis, or creation of a new hypothesis. Guidelines For Writing A Lab Report: All submitted lab reports must be typed. The report must include a results page and a conclusions and acknowledgements page. Each report should have a title and your name. The results page includes drawings, tables, and graphs which should include labels, titles, and a finger legend. The conclusion section…
Worksheet Understanding health care terms is a prerequisite for both academic and professional success. This assignment is intended to ensure you understand some of the basic terms used in this course. Complete the worksheet according to the following guidelines: In the space provided, write each term’s definition. You must define the term in your own words. In the space provided after each term’s definition, use the term in a sentence as it applies to the health care industry. You may wish to consider…
a week ago. I work as a microbiologist in a lab. We receive specimen everyday which we set up and do microbial testing for to find out what kind of bacteria the patient has and furthermore the antibiotics and dosage of the antibiotics the doctor can use to treat the patient. The supervisor of the lab came to speak to me about how I was reporting my results. This person told me that unless it was this one specific bacterium, I should not report any other findings. If it was just normal flora…
Jersey, Linda Wozneiwski, Indiana University Northwest. SAFETY: Safety is a primary concern in this course. Make sure that you have read and understand the safety rules written in your lab text and that you understand the safety rules written in your lab text and that you understand any safety rules or guidelines given by your instructor. Safety glasses, closed toed footwear and long sleeved shirt that covers the midriff and pants or skirt that come to the ankles must be worn at all times while…