Essay about Unknown Esssay

Submitted By rasikan55
Words: 1456
Pages: 6

Course Description

Laboratory experience with brightfield microscopy; aseptic and pure culture techniques; staining and observation of microorganisms; identification of unknown bacteria; environmental influences and control of microbial growth; antibiotic sensitivity and resistance; bacterial examination of water; medical microbiology.

Credit Hours: 2
Prerequisite(s): Credit or concurrent registration in BIOS 350.
Laboratory: Science and Engineering Laboratories-East (SEL-E), Room 3083

Course Objectives

Learn how to perform basic techniques such as culturing, staining, and microscopy
Learn and perform tests that are used to identify and characterize bacteria
Become familiar with microbiological references commonly used by scientists
Write a scientific paper in grammatically-correct English with proper format and tone
Learn how to recognize plagiarism and how to avoid plagiarizing reference materials

Staff Information

Coordinator: Andrew O’Dell, M.Sc.
Phone: (312) 996-2946
Office: SEL-East, Room 3083
Office Hours: By appointment, but often available from 10-4 weekdays.


Announcements will be e-mailed to you and posted on Blackboard. It is your responsibility to verify the accuracy and proper functioning of your email address listed in the “Personal Information” section under the “My UIC” portion of Blackboard.

Course Materials

Benson's Microbiological Applications, 12th Ed. (short version)

This is a full color, spiral-bound, paperback version of the lab manual which is available from the UIC Bookstore (


Benson’s Microbiological Applications, 12th Ed. (short version) (e-Book)

This is a full color, electronic version of the lab manual which is available from the McGraw-Hill eBookstore for a significant discount.
( )
Make sure that you carefully review the two e-Book options (Online Viewing vs. Download) before you purchase!


You must have your own (NON-RENTED) copy (paperback or eBook) of Benson’s Microbiological Applications, 12th edition. Photocopying the lab manual’s chapters is a violation of copyright law and this will not be condoned by the staff of BIOS 351. Your teaching assistant will not accept photocopies of pages from the lab manual.

If you think that photocopying pages from copyrighted manuals intended for sale to college students is allowable for educational use, the burden is upon you to negotiate this point with the publisher and provide me with proof of their consent.

It is required that you bring your own Black Sharpie marker pens (Fine Point), disposable gloves (latex, nitrile, or vinyl-- available at any drugstore.). Sharpies and gloves will be used in every lab session. Lab coats and goggles are not required.

Later in the semester, you will need a lab notebook that has carbon or carbonless-copy pages. Feel free to use a notebook from another lab class; you will need approximately 20 consecutively-numbered pages. A lab notebook is available from the UIC Bookstore ( for $13.90 plus tax.

Course Requirements

Quizzes (Best 10 of approximately 13) 100 points
Laboratory Reports REQUIRED
Unknown Project Paper 200 points
Practical Examination 225 points

TOTAL 525 points

Course Grades

Point Range Percentage Range Letter Grade

> 473 90 – 100 % A
420 – 472 80 – 89 % B
368 – 419 70 – 79 % C 315 – 367 60 – 69 % D < 314 < 60 % F

Point adjustments will be made to account for variation in the teaching and grading styles of the teaching assistants. Points will be added to students grades so that each section’s average will be adjusted to 75% or the average of highest averaging section, whichever is higher.