Greek Civilization 11 2 Essay

Submitted By camiidiasp
Words: 836
Pages: 4

The Development of Democracy in Athens: Solon Notes 11/2 pg 129­144 ­
was an Oligarchic government­ based on the supposed equality of Spartan citizens. ­Democracy in
Athens arose in response to a crisis brought about by an uneven distribution of wealth. Attica
(Territory of Athens) Had come together possibly by the joining of scattered villages at the end of
The Dark Ages, to form an entity w. the urban center of Athens as it focus. Solo was appointed in 594 BC. in order to mediate the crisis of an uneven distribution of wealth and formulate new laws that would bring stability. Solo divided the citizens of the Athenian population into 4 categories, distinguished by the amount of produce that their property yielded. (Categories based on wealth instead of birthright.) Those who were wealthy were able to hold office and those who were not were able to vote. Other Person: Slavery & Democracy ­Slavery was part of the culture in Athens & most Ancient Greek Poleis.
­In Sparta Slaves were not owned by individuals but by the State of Sparta. Athens also had state owned slaves ­for ex: in the 5th century BC Athens law enforcement had at their disposal archers who could be used to keep the public in order & place citizens under arrest. ­Most slaves were owned by individuals in Athens­ slaves were viewed as inferior to the character of their owners. ­In 561 BC
Peisistratus a distant relative of Solo seized power & made himself the Tyrant of Athens­He was driven out of power a few times but managed to return.
­In 510 BC his son Hippias came into power. ­During the time of the tyrant the Athenian pottery & olive oil market expanded. Hippias was overthrown as a result of an alliance of a prominent Athenian family as well w. the help of the king of Sparta. The Development of Democracy in Athens: Cleisthenes

In 508 BC Cleisthenes divided the Athenian population into 140 Deme
( An urban area resembling to a neighborhood.) The
were divided into
( 30 smaller units in which the population of
Athens was further divided into.)
­The separation of Athens in that sense was in order to create a sense of division

­ The division of the 10 tribes served for political function as well as military function.
(When Athens was at war all soldiers stood together w. the soldiers from their tribes lead by one general w. the total of 10 generals.) ­ Each tribe selected 50 members of their tribes to represent their tribe in council adding up to 500. ­ This type of structure gave every citizen the sense of participation as well as making sure that no one was in the position to exercise undue influence. Ostracisum Ostracism
­ The Athenian practice of holding an election in which fragments of pottery were used as ballets, in order to determine if one prominent political figure should be removed from the polis for the period of 10 years. Once every year it was decided if an
should be held. The person receiving the greatest amount of votes­ only if exceeding 6,000 was given 10 days to leave Athenian territory & was not allowed to return for 10 years. ­The process was