Communication Research Paper

Words: 2487
Pages: 10

Interpersonal Communication Essay

Communication is the first instrument that humans used in their process to socialize, interact with others and can be defined as the process of sending information about our though, opinions, feelings to another person . Why we communicate? We communicate to know each other, to find out about others emotions, to change information, to convince others to understand our point of view and build relations. Interpersonal communication is the most important form of communication and is the most used. People cannot avoid this type of communication, and their social relation depends on their ability to engage in a conversation with others...
Interpersonal communication is the process that

For example people who work in the IT department of your organisation... When they are trying to explain problems with computer systems it can often go over a lot of people’s heads. Lastly it is advisable not to use slang in the workplace as it can take away from the seriousness of the message you are trying to convey and make you look unprofessional. Nonverbal barriers .People communicate a lot of their information non verbally. from their posture to their eye movement and facial el Owen DW Hargie and Dennis DICKSON, Communication In Management 1999.Smiling is one of the most recognisable and universal facial expressions. It is regarded as a positive cue suggesting friendliness and afiliation.But people in power who smile a lot can be seen as weak and seeking to appease .Non verbal communication gives a lot away about the individual, for example we can usually tell if they are interested in what you are saying to them, if they are confident or nervous in the given situation. People in business need to be aware of the message they send in organisations so that it doesn’t undermine the message they wish to get across. Perception barriers. The world constantly bombards us with information: sights, sounds, scents, and so on. Our minds organize this stream of sensation into a mental map that represents our perception or reality. In no case is the