child developement Essay

Submitted By sheemasibley
Words: 486
Pages: 2

Every year, thousands of infants and new born babies’ lives are taken away; both from them and their parents. Imagine the pain a family encounters after carrying a child for nine months and once the water breaks, being informed that there is a congenital defect with the new born child. The term alone would horrify a mother without being aware of the definition or even cause of the problem the child has encountered. A congenital defect is a birth defect that can be defined as problems that occur while a fetus is developing in the womb. Congenital defects can affect the way the body looks or functions and range from mild to severe. Some defects such as cleft lip or palate can be easily and safely treated, however, defects such as Down syndrome, heart or brain defects, and things along those lines may need life-long treatment to manage. The most severe congenital defects prove fatal and lead to infant death. In 2005, 5,571 infants died as a result of congenital defects.

Birth defects are generally grouped into one of three major categories, structural or metabolic, congenital infections, or “other.” Being that this is such a broad break down of categories, it is made evident that not only is it unclear whether a child is born with an abnormality until various tests are done to come to the conclusion that there may be something wrong with a child. Structural or metabolic abnormalities include heart defects and neural defects where some part of the body, internal or external, is missing or malformed. Recessive genetic diseases which are diseases that result from the inability of cells to produce and enzyme needed to change certain chemicals into others to carry substances throughout the body. Most children with a metabolic birth defect do not have any visible abnormalities, but metabolic defects are usually harmful or can be even fatal. Metabolic defects include Tay-Sachs disease, a fatal disease that