Supporting Teacher Essays

Submitted By dededanaher
Words: 1117
Pages: 5

TDA: 2.4
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
In Work With Children
And Young People
By Deana Danaher

The first set of legislation relating to equality, diversity and inclusion was made in 1975 (the sex discrimination act) and 1976 (the race relations act). These acts were put in place to to gain statutory requirements to:
· Prevent discrimination
· Promote equality of opportunity
· Provide redress against discrimination
More recently these acts as well as others have been ameneded. these amendments to the acts and to the disability discrimination act 1995 have allowed the delvelopment and extention to anti discrimination legislation.
The current legislation involving children are:
· The disability discrimination act 2005 - protects pupils with disabilities in education, access to goods, facilities and services
· The disability equality duty 2005
· The race relation act 2000
· Data protection act 1998
· Human rights act 1998
· Freedom of information act 2000
· The equality act 2010
When working wih children it is vital that the principles and values of equality, diversity and inclusion are used at all time. In the beginning childrens rights were based on the basic welfare childrens needs which would consist of getting enough food, shelter and physical care. There has been great deal of development in childrens rights in the last 10 years as childrens rights now cover entitlement to life, health, education, play, this applies from age 0 to 18. Now a days not only is it the basic rights of a child which is looked after but we now have the opportunity to aloow them to have the right to engage in play activities,to express their views and to participate in making decisions that affect them directly. Childrens rights are set out in a clear and understandable way, they are universal and apply to all children. As we are aware childrens needs are all different and need addressing in different ways but the rights of all children are the same. Although the rights of children are based on their needs these will differ from each child. Emphasising the rights of a child instead of emphasising their needs will show commitment in viewing and respecting children as a valued citizen. All children have different needs as they see and interact with the world and people differently. Even identical twins will view the world differently as they will have different world life experience. As children grow and learn they will experience different social and environmental factors including their own genetics will help to shape the childs personalities, knowledge and skills. Although children are individuals they also belong to social groups eg family, local community, school and their wider community this is why when we are working with children we need to find a balance between meeting the childs individual needs and the needs of their group (Brenna, 1987). Children will act differently when it comes to school and this will depend on their own individual needs and life experiences. Due to this some children may find the school environment daunting and uncomfortable wereas another child may find it exciting. all children have the same essential needs which are:
· Physical care
· Routines
· Indipendance
· Communication
· Encouragement and praise
· Love
· Education
· Sincerity and respect
· Stimulation
In addition to this all children have individual learning needs which can be catered for by giving them the opportunity to explore their environment, adult assistance to aid their knowledge and undrestanding and activities which are appropriate to their ability and development. As teaching assistant it is in the interest of the children for us to have an understanding and to know the basic requirments of the United Nations Convention (UN) on the rights of children. The UN gave approval for the convention on the rights of children on the 20 of November 1989, it took a further 3 years for the UK