Sunil Nakka (023175927)
Mohammad Soheb Ali Khan (023192710)
Mohammed Abdul Waseem(023189655)
Under the Guidence of
Dr Pradip Peter Dey
National University San Diego, CA
The intention of developing Attendance System is to computerized the tradition way of taking attendance. Another purpose for developing this software is to generate the desired reports automatically at the end of the session or in the between of the session as they require. This project is basically a web application which means self-contained software runs on the server on which it has been installed under the user control and it will work for a particular institute or college only when hosted.
The two major problems faced by organizations are time consuming manual attendance and high usage of paper. Some other issues are:
The project is limited by the feature of handling the system by the faculty as the paper register.
It can be used only to take the attendance and check it no other way it is used.
Student profile and academics are rarely available in the system.
Our project is going to solve these problems through the automated hardware and the web application along with the automated report generator.
The Attendance System tries to totally eliminate the paper work and to progress the student information instantly. The objectives are:
Faculty can monitor the student with in the short time
The parent to check their children status on the online itself
The student can also check the attendance and any remarks
It is provided with customized reports along with the reports of daily attendance, weekly, sem-wise and many featured reports
These reports are also available to all the modules like the faculty, students and parents.
The following are the limitations of the project:
Every user must provide his details and register to possess an account.
An active network in order to access the content in his account.
In this project documentation we have initially described the definition of the problem and objective of the project as well as the design of the project which has been followed to solve the problem. These are followed by the implementation and testing phases. Finally the project is concluded successfully and also the future enhancements of the project are given in this documentation.
The intention of developing Attendance System is to computerized the tradition way of taking attendance. Another purpose for developing this software is to generate the desired reports automatically at the end of the session or in the between of the session as they require. This project is basically a web application which means self-contained software runs on the server on which it has been installed under the user control and it will work for a particular institute or college only when hosted.
The existing system for taking attendance is manual. Lots of paper work is required to take the attendance and to manipulate the taken attendance lots of human efforts are put which may lead to many mistakes and thus the retrieved information is not at all accurate. The following are the limitations of the project: The project is limited by the feature of handling the system by the faculty as the paper register. It can be used only to take the attendance and check it no other way it is used. Student profile and academics are rarely available in the system.
2.3 DISADVANTAGES OF THE EXISTING SYSTEM The disadvantages in the existing system are:
Time consuming process if manually taken.
Though existing system is used, reports are not generated.
Retrieving the previous information about attendance is very difficult.
Checking and finalizing attendance manually will be time consuming.
that information system has been implemented. Here we have the list of five things that information system has been implemented with their explanation. 1 Time saving : Tt is the most important achievement after the implementation of the information system .time saving possible by the moodle which work on the basic principle of online work .Now it is possible to mark the attendance just by the swipe in and swipe out .Before lecture used to call every single student for attendance which used take…
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