The NTEC introduced the “NTEC APP Project” as part of a determination to modified the student-related information processes that support the service, teaching, research and health care missions of the NTEC
This project include the working with student information, job availability, events in NTEC, summer course availability information, time table, attendance, results, immigration advices and booking appointment to meet for faculties
Even if we execution this software application it’s important to make it success. This app also include other important works. The main reason of this project Charter is give basic clarity on the project, best quality and be reliable on both business and approval of the stakeholders and build up team members.
Further information regarding the this project should be present in our business plan
Project vision
To provide best service to student and build up the relation between student and institution with using latest technology and reduce the paper work.
Project mission
To provide our NTEC community with more efficient and valuable information system that maintains NTEC mission, executing the latest system for the growth of the community.
Internal stakeholders: Administrative, faculties, staff members, head of student services, IT Department
External stakeholders: Student, total college
Project Scope
There are three phases in this project scope
Phase 1 & 2: developing and executing the Ntec app. providing student information and adding the Ntec student data, time table, results and attendance.
Phase 3: developing the app further stage that use full to study in online, research and supporting faculties and