The Continental Army officers formed an exclusive hereditary order called the Society of the Cincinnati.
Virginia Statue for Religious Freedom- created in 1786 by Thomas Jefferson and his co-reformers; stated that religion should not be imposed on anybody and that each person decided his/her own faith.
The Philadelphia Quakers in 1775 founded the first anti-slavery society.
The 1st Continental Congress called for the complete abolition of the slave trade in 1774. Several northern states went further and either abolished slavery altogether or provided the gradual emancipation of slaves. No states south of Pennsylvania abolished slavery.
Constitution Making in the States
The 2nd Continental Congress called upon the colonies in 1776 to draft new constitutions. Massachusetts called a special convention to draft its constitution and then submitted the final draft to the people.
As written documents, the state constitutions were intended to represent a fundamental law, superior to the short-lived impulses of ordinary legislation.
In the Revolutionary era, the capitals of New Hampshire, New York, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia were all moved westward.
Economic Crosscurrents
Economic democracy preceded political democracy.
Due to the independence from Britain, the United States had to make everything on its own which it no longer imported from Britain.
Many Americans were poor because the economy was so bad.
Creating a Confederation
Shortly before declaring independence in 1776, the 2nd Continental Congress appointed a committee to draft a written constitution for the new nation. The finished product was the Articles of Confederation. It was adopted by Congress in 1777 and it convinced France that America had a genuine government in the making. The Articles of Confederation wasn't ratified by all 13 colonies until 1781.
The Articles of Confederation: America's First Constitution
The 13 colonies were joined together for joint action in dealing with common problems such as foreign affairs.
Congress had 2 major handicaps: It had no power to regulate commerce, and this loophole left the states free to establish conflictingly laws regarding tariffs and navigation. Congress couldn't enforce its tax collection program. The states were NOT required to pay the government taxes, they were merely asked.
Landmarks in Land Laws
Land Ordinance of 1785- stated that the acreage of the Old Northwest should be sold and the proceeds should be used to help pay off the national debt.
Northwest Ordinance of 1787- a uniform national land policy; created the Northwest Territories and gave the land to the government, the land could then be purchased by individuals; when a territory had 60,000 people, it might be admitted by Congress as a state, with all the privileges of the 13 other states.
The World's Ugly Duckling
Britain declined to make any commercial treaty with the colonies or to repeal its Navigation Laws. Lord Sheffield argued in his pamphlet that Britain could win back America's trade.
The British remained in the Americas where they maintained their fur trade with the Indians. The American states did not honor the treaty of peace in regard to debts and Loyalists. The British stayed primarily to keep the Indians on the side of the British so to defend against future attacks on Canada by the Americans.
Spain was openly unfriendly to the Americans. It closed off the Mississippi river to commerce in 1784.
The Horrid Specter of Anarchy
Shay's Rebellion- in western Massachusetts in 1786; when impoverished back-country farmers, who were losing their farms through mortgage foreclosures and tax delinquencies, attempted to enforce their demands of cheap paper money, lighter taxes, and a suspension of property takeovers; led by
1790-1860 Reviving Religion Thomas Paine promoted the doctrines of Deism. Deists relied on science rather than the Bible and they denied the divinity of Christ. They did believe in a Supreme Being who had created a universe and endowed human beings with a capacity for moral behavior. Unitarianism spun off of Deism. Unitarians believed that God existed in only one person. It appealed to mostly intellectuals. The Second Great Awakening came in 1800. Women were a large part of it. Peter…
Three Old Worlds Create A New: 1492-1600 (chpt 1) • Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca: walked across North America with three other men; encountered four Christians on horseback, reached Mexico City 1536 • Paleo-Indians: first Americans, nomadic hunters and gatherers, spread throughout North and South America moving as bands, hunted animals, cultivated food crops new agricultural techniques; 12,000-10,000 BCE; migrated from Asia to North America across Beringia land bridge • Mayas: settled on the Yucatan…
1. North Carolina a. “Rift raft” – poor misfits i. First North Carolina settlers were a mixture of poor families and runaway servants from Virginia and English Quakers, had no religion, similar to Rhode Island, hospitable, liked pirates, and dissenters (strong spirit) b. The Carolina proprietors envisioned a traditional European society; there the Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina (1669) legally established the Church of England and prescribed a manorial system, with a mass of serfs governed…
APUSH PINS - AP US History Summer Assignment – 2015 Contact Information Name: Mr. John C. Moffi E-Mail: Cell: 954-274-2908 To the new APUSH PINS of 2015 - 2016: Listed below are your assignments and the dates that they are due. 1. Your first assignment is to complete the following: a. E-mail me with your contact information (home phone, address, cell, etc). In the subject area of your e-mail please write APUSH SUMMER. b. Connect to our class EDMODO Account, Join URL:…
2013 APUSH Summer Assignment Considering Advanced Placement U.S. History? Your summer assignment focuses on exploring the first two themes you will encounter within the first two chapters of American Pageant. SHS APUSH Summer assignment descriptions CORE CONTENT Identifications: Your chapter identifications are simply essential vocabulary terms, people, or events of note. As we progress through the year it is your responsibility to master these identifications. A mastery of…
Gettysburg Address APUSH—Conditt Unit 5 SY 2013 2014 Name _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Directions: 1. Read the Gettysburg Address below. 2. Annotate the document: a. Circle every word that you do not know. Look up the definition (consider using as a resource for this). Draw a line out from the word and write a synonym for the word. 3. Underline or highlight powerful phrases 4. Read…
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Alex Ding 3/22/15 Period 6 APUSH DBQ 11 The key areas that have defined the United States since its creation were business, industry, and trade. After all, people first began settling in the United States looking for new opportunities. The industrial North, although different in many ways, worked with agrarian South in the early start of the creation of America, building up to an eventual worldclass, top economy based on the foundations of trade and business. Even though the American economy experienced ups and downs…