Slavery and Ap u. s. History Essay

Submitted By blackgoddess2018
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The Transformation of Colonial Virginia (DBQ)

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During the time period between 1606 and 1700 hundreds of settlers flocked to the Virginia colony seeking riches – only to find hardship, and no gold. However, after many years, and much effort, the Virginians managed to secure a solid social and economic system that would eventually make Virginia one of the most important North American colonies. Document A demonstrates one hardship that Virginians had to face while developing their colony. Documents B, C, and D demonstrate solutions to various problems the Virginians faced during the 18th century.

Some of the first – and most obvious – hardships that the early Virginia settlers faced were disease, malnutrition, and starvation. When they arrived, the inexperienced settlers spent valuable time searching for gold, instead of making preparations and gathering provisions for the difficult winter to come. Once winter did come, the settlers died “with cruel diseases as swellings, [and] burning fevers” (Doc. A). The settlers were accustomed to their gentlemanly ways of life back in Britain and were never “in such misery as we were in this new discovered Virginia”. However, the Virginians were saved by the leadership of Captain John Smith, who whipped the colonists into shape and saved the colony from an early demise. Ironically, Smith’s efforts to improve the Virginia colony were rewarded when he was kidnapped by the local Powhatan Native American tribe and subjected to an “execution”. Luckily for Smith, the Powhatan’s desired a peaceful relationship with the Virginians, and did not actually harm him. Smith, along with the Native American princess Pocahontas, helped negotiate the trade of much needed food for the colonists. Smith provided the leadership that helped the Virginians survive the first few harsh winters and acquire food.

At this point, the Virginia colonists needed a source of revenue to aid them in the development of their colony. The colonists realized that they were not going to find gold in Virginia so they desperately searched for something else. Then, John Rolfe came to their rescue when he perfected the methods of raising tobacco – a product in high demand in Europe. John Rolfe’s efforts put Virginia on stable economic ground and also had lasting effects on countless people’s health – effects which can be seen in America until this day. As seen in the tobacco advertisements of the time (Doc. B), the tobacco industry was vital to