2013 APUSH Summer Assignment
Considering Advanced Placement U.S. History?
Your summer assignment focuses on exploring the first two themes you will encounter within the first two chapters of American Pageant.
SHS APUSH Summer assignment descriptions
CORE CONTENT Identifications: Your chapter identifications are simply essential vocabulary terms, people, or events of note. As we progress through the year it is your responsibility to master these identifications. A mastery of this material will complement lecture discussions and serve as review for the May exam. To assess your master of these terms you will be assigned 15 -20 timed identification quizzes on edmodo.com Guided Readings: Each chapter you read this year will have a collection of questions to guide you through the 40 pages of reading. We will be covering nearly 40 chapters in the 109 class meetings, so the guided reading questions are designed to move you through an average of 1.5 chapters per week in an efficient manner. Please see an example of guided reading responses on the back of this handout.
SUPPLEMENTAL RESOURCES Outside Readings - Your outside readings will encompass historical journals, scholarly articles, historical novels, or biographies to complement course content and examine alternative perspectives. You will be expected to generate notes in a variety of formats.
Podcasts - A podcast is distinguished from other digital audio format by its ability to be downloaded to your desktop, flash drive or automatically using software capable of reading RSS feeds. Throughout the year I will be assigning Historical podcasts from profession websites (Organization of American Historians, Gilder Lerhman Institute, The Constitution Center, Massachusetts School of Law, and NPR) as well as our teacher created class podcast (more on this later). In addition to HW podcasts, you will have the opportunity to submit extra podcast notes for extra points (more on this later).
BIG PICTURE THEMES: American Pageant Chapter #1: New World Beginnings
1. The New World, before Columbus, there were many different Native American tribes. These people were very diverse. In what’s today the U.S., there were an estimated 400 tribes, often speaking different languages. It’s inaccurate to think of “Indians” as a homogeneous group.
2. Columbus came to America looking for a trade route to the East Indies (Spice Islands). Other explorers quickly realized this was an entirely New World and came to lay claim to the new lands for their host countries. Spain and Portugal had the head start on France and then England.
3. The coming together of the two world had world changing effects. The biological exchange cannot be underestimated. Food was swapped back and forth and truly revolutionized what people ate. On the bad side, European diseases wiped out an estimated 90% of Native Americans
IDENTIFICATIONS: Chapter #1: New World Beginnings (pages 4 – 24) 1. Marco Polo Italian explorer; spent many years in China or near it; his return to Europe in 1295 sparked a European interest in finding a quicker route to Asia.
2. Montezuma Aztec chieftan; encountered Cortes and the Spanish and saw that they rode horses; Montezuma assumed that the Soanush were gods. He welcomed them hospitably, but the explorers soon turned on the natives and ruled them for three centuries.
3. Christopher Columbus An Italian navigator who was funded by the Spanish Government to find a passage to the Far East. He is given credit for discovering the "New World," even though at his death he believed he had made it to India. He made four voyages to the "New World." The first sighting of land was on October 12, 1492, and three other journies until the time of his death in 1503. 4. Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) In 1494 Spain and Portugal were disputing the