Summer Assignment – 2015
Contact Information
Name: Mr. John C. Moffi
E-Mail: jmoffi@dadeschools.net
Cell: 954-274-2908
To the new APUSH PINS of 2015 - 2016:
Listed below are your assignments and the dates that they are due.
1. Your first assignment is to complete the following:
a. E-mail me with your contact information (home phone, address, cell, etc). In the subject area of your e-mail please write APUSH SUMMER.
b. Connect to our class EDMODO Account, Join URL: https://edmo.do/j/b9sgjr Group Code: v2bcek
c. Connect to our APUSH PINS 2015-2016 Group Me account. Once I receive your contact information I will send you the invite to “Group Me.”
2. For your second assignment you are being requested to read THE AMERICAN COLONIES by Alan Taylor, answer the assigned questions and write a Presis for each chapter. You will find the questions to “The American Colonies,” a Presis Sample and the delivery schedules of the summer assignments in our EDMODO site located in a folder labeled “Summer Work 2015-16.”
3. Note: If you have any difficulty in getting the book, please see me privately.
You will submit ALL of your “American Colonies” assignments via e-mail as Microsoft Word files (,doc). Once the 2015-16 school year begins you will need hard copies of the Presis assignment and “American Colonies” assignments for your APUSH notebooks. If you do not complete the summer assignment you will not be able to receive an “A” in the class for the