a life that appeared concrete, foiled by inward beauty and a life that had convictions obtained complete. These two parallels of two persons and of two natures are taken up by Sophocles in one of his greatest works and plays Antigone. In the play, the characters Antigone and Ismene represent different attributes and moralities of man. While one follows the law of man, the other follows that of a higher power, a power that transcends time, a power of the super natural and sublime. The two characters
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audience already knew what would happen at the end of Antigone. The contrast between what the audience knows and what the characters know sets up the tension, the dramatic irony. However, Sophocles uses dramatic license and adds events that are not found in any previous account of the myth, including the quarrels between Antigone and Ismene, Antigone’s two attempts to bury Polynices, Antigone’s betrothal to Haemon, the entombment of Antigone, Tiresias’s argument with Creon, and the suicides. These
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D. Hutchinson Professor K. English 110 2/15/2013 Sophocles’ tragedy Antigone introduces us to the main character Antigone. She shows many characteristics and distinctions that allow her to break the boundaries of the typical Athenian woman. Although Antigone may be a woman, she is portrayed as the brave, headstrong, and courageous woman Sophocles intended her to be. Antigone’s decision to bury polyneices shows her rejection to the state’s idealized image of the
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Creon’s and Antigone’s Tragic Life The most tragic figure in the play is Antigone, and the character that suffers the most is Creon. The play Antigone by Sophocles tells a tragic story of a girl trying to bury her brother, and an arrogant and prideful king that wants absolute control. The play is intriguing and is mind blowing till the end. The ending contains multiple deaths and leaves one character all alone and wishing they were dead. Antigone was a tragic figure, because of the way she died. She was in the unenviable
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Journal 3 Antigone goes against Creon because she does not want to see her brother rot in the desert. She believes that he should be buried, and considering he is family, how could she bare to know that he is going through such “pain?” She happens to not even care about whether Creon will execute her or not, because she believes that if she dies, she will be dying in honor. That she will be proud of her actions, because she decided to do the right thing. She figures that, she’d rather die now
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Durning the extraordinary play Antigone by Sophocles, Sophocles demonstrates the craving of power by Creon creates suffering for others. Creon thinks he has more power than the gods. and doesn’t give a proper burial to Polyneices. Creon’s greed, craving of power, and his everlasting ego draw out suffering among others. Sophocles portrays Creon’s greed and ego by allowing Creon to ignore others’ important thoughts. For example, when Antigone gives a valid reason for trying to bury her brother
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Sophocles’ Antigone Creon is a prideful and ruthless king who rules over his territory with an iron fist. He became king when Antigone’s grandfather Oedipus left the throne to her two brothers Eteocles and Polyneices, who ended up dying when fighting over it. Antigone is the fiancé of Creon’s youngest son Haimon, and for the most part a good citizen of Thebes. Creon buried Eteocles because he fought for Thebes and left Polyneices to rot in the desert for betraying the city. Antigone wished to
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JT and Jordan Argument 3 Block 2 Antigone Is Justified Antigone was courageous and willing to die for her cause. She thinks burying her brother was the right thing to do. When she approaches her sister Ismene for help to bury Polyneices, she speaks fearlessly about her willingness to die for her cause, “But if I must bury him, and if I must die, I say that this crime is holy, I shall lie down with him in death and I shall be as dear to him as he to me” (1.2.57-60). She disobeyed Creon and buried
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thing that can destroy some ones life or sometimes be seen as a mere nothing. Antigone is a brave, determined, risk-taking, and passionate girl growing up in the city of Thebes. She would never let law stop her from doing what is right. She knew she was going to severely punished by King Creon, but that did not disrupt her mission. She buried her so-called ‘traitor’ of a brother because she loved him. In the play Antigone, Sophocles uses Antigone’s hubris to show how it can lead to the character’s
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Antigone Final In Ancient Greek theatre, we see examples of characters possessing excessive, engrossing pride that is often coupled with blatant arrogance, not regularly but most of the time. Hubris is constituted by a display of these aspects. Characters in plays are usually seen as those with Hubris, particularly the Tragic Hero. These characters in the story, usually royalty, suffer from a Tragic Flaw which is ultimately responsible for their descent unto their inevitably untimely death. Hubris
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In the play Antigone the characters Antigone and Ismene have personalities that are contradistinction of each other. In the time of the Greece's Golden Age of Drama, women did not have the ability to speak what was on their minds. Antigone is an outspoken person," Creon is not strong enough to stand in my way" (l.26). Antigone will not at all let anyone get in her way to bury her brother Polyneices, not even Creon. Antigone does not mind her words. "Oh, tell it. Tell Everyone
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to a Degree In the play “Antigone” by Sophocles, Creon, the antagonist to Antigone his niece, is a prideful, stubborn, and bitter king. He took the throne after watching Antigone’s brothers fight to the death because they both wanted power over the city of Thebes. As the ruler Creon uses his power to inflict harsh rule over the city. He thinks that whatever he says goes, even though most of the time he does not realize that his opinion is wrong. For example Creon throws Antigone in jail even though her actions
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In our world, there are many opinions about how to run communities, countries, and various other things. Some people believe that there should be only one person, known as a king, monarch, or dictator, that has control over everything. That person would make all of the decisions which would affect everyone. Other people believe that the society should not be run by one person, and instead be run by a group of people that work together to try and do what is best for the people. There really a
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Antigone vs. Kreon- "Nomos" vs. "Written Laws" Antigone is a play written in 442 B.C. (hypothetical) by the noted Greek playwright Sophocles. In the play Sophocles deals with issues such as the relationship between males and females and the state as well as the position of women in society. He uses Antigone to represent obligation to family and the gods while Kreon represents obligation of the "written laws" of the state. I think that if the context of the play is taken into consideration then Antigone's
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In scenes 3-5 of Antigone, many interesting events occur. The scenes begin with Creon deciding that Antigone is to be locked away until she dies. Many people are against this decision, but Creon explains to his subjects that his word is final and criminals must be punished. The people oppose this as it goes against the will of the gods, though they are too afraid to speak up. Eventually, a prophet named Tyresius shows up and tells Creon that if he doesn’t release Antigone, he will be smited by
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•When Antigone arrives in Thebes, she and her sister Ismene talk outside the palace gate, where we learn that their brothers, Polyneices and Eteocles, have indeed killed each other. •Antigone is disturbed because Creon, who is now ruling, has ordered that Eteocles be buried with the formal rites, but that Polyneices be left unburied and unmourned. •Anyone who buries Polyneices will be punished by death. •Antigone intends to defy the law to bury her brother according to the wishes of the gods
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Antigone is a Greek Tragedy that stresses the use of sovereignty and virtue against the law ,written by Sophocles. Within the story, the inquery of who the tragic hero is, King Creon or Antigone herself, is a subject of highly debatable class. The king Creon possesses some of the characteristics that define a tragic character, as defined in Aristotle's Tragic Theory. According to Aristotle's Theory, there are a few major traits, which are required of the tragic character. The character must be viewed
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EPICENTER OF THE EARTHQUAKE: A PAPER ON THE EFFECTS OF CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE ON CITIZEN-STATE RELATIONSHIP IN SOPHOCLES’ ANTIGONE BY OKOYE GOSIFE DONALD FOR HISTORY 100: CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE FROM ANCIENT GREECE TO MODERN AFRICA SUBMITTED ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5TH, 2013 PLEDGED: Democracy is defined as “That form of government in which the sovereign power resides in and is exercised by the whole body of free citizens directly or indirectly through a system of representation.” (Black's
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Creon is a bit full of himself. 5. I think Creon will be even more enraged when he discovers that it was a girl that buried Polyneices. He will feel tricked, and dumbfounded that such a thing could happen. I think he will be so mad that he will kill Antigone in a very harsh way. They won’t be able to resolve their conflicting values because they each have such strong opinions and stubbornness. 6. The ode basically says that man is great, but death can overcome that greatness. This foreshadows Antigone’s
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responsibilities and duties that are needed to be fulfilled. In Sophocles’ Greek tragedy, Antigone, Antigone has the responsibility of being loyal to her brother, Polyneices. However, Creon has the responsibility of being loyal to the people of Thebes. Therefore, both Antigone and Creon have been loyal to whom they have wanted to be loyal to; this is why both are equally correct. Antigone and Creon were equally loyal. Antigone was loyal to her family and the law of the Gods while Creon was loyal to his people
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as she uses Patterns of Organization, Sentence Structure, and Language. Sophocles’s 4th century BC play, Antigone, the concept of the Golden Mean plays an important role. The Golden Mean can be defined as a moderate position between two extremes. The main female character, Antigone, demonstrates the inability to find that moderate position or balance and demonstrates excessiveness. Antigone learns that both of her brothers are dead, Polynesis and Eteocles. Creon ordered Eteocles to be buried with
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especially the chorogus, causes a change of heart in Creon. Creon sees his mistakes and is humbled. This is the turning point of the play, and is only possible through the chorus. The chorus’ influence on Antigone affects her emotions, and eventually tries to save her through Creon. Antigone is extremely despondent as she walks to her death, but the chorus cheers her by saying, “Surely you carry fame with you and praise…. You were in charge of your own fate (III, 942,946).” Her fate does not seem
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Ramiro Zetina March 27, 2015 Professor Rocco Philosophy Antigone 1. The main conflict in the story of Antigone is whether or not Polyneices should receive a proper burial. Antigone argues with her sister Ismene that they should go against Creon’s orders and give their brother a proper burial, Ismene refuses and does not help Antigone. When Creon finds out that Antigone buried her brother another conflict arises in which Antigone says that the law of the gods is superior to Creon’s law. Creon and
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A Neglected Tragedy Antigone, by Sophocles, is the unfortunate tale of a cursed royal family troubled and transformed by the death of two brothers and the audacity of their younger sister, Antigone. Sophocles constructs a tragedy, but what lies ambiguous is the identity of the tragic hero. Antigone, a defiant young girl sentenced to death by her uncle due to her thirst for pride, defiance of law, and keen recollection of her adverse past, acts as center focus of tragedy in the play. However,
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Antigone and A Rasin in the Sun Antigone and A Raisin in the Sun are two pieces of literature that are similar in one way, yet very different in another way. Both are very interesting pieces that were written to captivate even the most critical of audiences. This paper will show similarities as well as differences between the two pieces and their authors. Antigone is a play written by Sophocles and is about a young girl named Antigone who struggles with written laws of her city, Thebes. Her
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Antigone Essay People of power such as kings are often forced to choose between family and law. In the play Antigone, Creon has to make such a decision. He issues the edict to outlaw the burial of his traitor nephew, Poleneices. Creon makes all of his decisions based on his pride and his he position as the king. In Antigone, Sophocles uses characterization to emphasize that “There is no happiness where there is no wisdom.” (Sophocles, 767) and that too much pride is never good. "Fate has brought
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Thebes Internal Battle The major moral conflict in Antigone by Sophocles is the conflict over which value is most fundamental. The play presents the moral conflict over whether the god's law or the city's law is more powerful. This seems to be the most prominent theme. The conflict arises mainly between the tragic heroes Antigone and her uncle-in-law Creon, King of Thebes. The city of Thebes had been through a war in which Antigone and her sister Ismene have lost both of their brothers to it, Eteocles
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Antigone is to MacArthur as Creon is to Truman On April 11, 1951, Douglas MacArthur, a popular decorated general and war hero was fired for speaking to the press about the Korean War and his opinion on President Harry S. Truman’s foreign policy. In Antigone by Sophocles, Creon forbids citizens from giving Eteocles, a man vying for control of the city, who has killed citizens that would have been part of his city, a proper burial. Both Truman and Creon faced questions that undermined their authority
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a woman meant she had equality. In Antigone, Sophocles depicts the women in the story as the women in ancient Greece. These women in ancient Greek times had limited power and control of their lives. In Antigone, Antigone defies Creon, by breaking the law and surprising him. Creon views women as weak and only good for having children and pleasing their husbands, and by quickly failing that women are capable of everything men can do. By breaking the law, Antigone shows Creon that women aren’t weak
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Creon and Antigone are both honorable people and yet, both are fatally proud and that is the source of the tragedy. To what extent do you agree? During the time of Ancient Greece, tragic plays were commonly used to deliver a moral message to their audience. Sophocles’ “Antigone” demonstrates the dangers of hubris and the disaster it can cause using the conflict between the two central characters, Antigone and Creon, as the basis of the tragedy. Although they are honourable in their own different
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