Adroitness | skill |
Altruism | self-sacrifice |
Arbitration | mediating between disputing sides |
Archaic | old-fashioned |
Aural | through the sense of hearing |
Cognitions | mental knowledge |
Discernment | judgment; |
Disingenuous | crafty |
Distension | swelling |
Egotists | selfish people |
Emancipators | those who set others free |
Enigmas | puzzles |
Erudition | learning; scholarly knowledge |
Exemplars | excellent examples of |
Exonerated | proved not guilty |
Extirpation | destruction |
Fawning | groveling; �sucking up� to people |
Finesse | skill |
Fitful | intermittent; on and off; not continuous |
Gestures | signals |
Hilarity | great laughter |
Husbandry | careful management of resources |
Ignominy | shame |
Ineptitude | lack of ability |
Insipid | flavorless; bland |
Intuitions | gut feelings |
Invocation | prayer |
Irony | something unexpected; use of words to convey opposite meaning |
Lackadaisical | lazy |
Lamentable | regrettable |
Mandate | permission |
Manifesto | statement of values |
Modicum | tiny amount |
Notoriety | infamy |
Obsequious | groveling |
Opulence | lavish display of wealth |
Pathos | sadness; stirring the emotions |
Plaudits | praise |
Prospectus | brochure |
Raze | knock down |
Rectitude | uprightness |
Reprimanded | scolded |
Rudimentary | elementary; basic |
Sarcasm | mockery |
Soporific | sleep-inducing |
Stipulated | insisted |
Tactile | through the sense of touch |
Tenacity | firmness of purpose |
Versatility | ability to do many things |
Vicarious | experienced indirectly; at secondhand |
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