Alleviate | make less severe |
Amalgam | mixture |
Astute | wise; mentally sharp |
Autonomous | self-governing |
Belied | contradicted |
Callousness | cruelty; unfeeling behavior |
Circumstantial | accidental; indirect (as in circumstantial evidence) |
Corroborated | supported; given supporting evidence |
Credulity | belief |
Debilitated | weakened |
Deliberation | careful thought |
Denuded | stripped |
Derided | mocked |
Despoiled | spoiled |
Dilatory | slow; sluggish |
Dispatch | speed and eagerness |
Empathetic | exhibiting deep emotional understanding |
Eradicate | wipe out |
Estrangement | separation |
Expeditious | speedy |
Extant | still in existence |
Flag | 1. to lose energy, 2. to signal |
Foundered | sank |
Fraudulent | crooked; intending to cheat |
Hubris | excessive pride |
Idiosyncratic | eccentric |
Impetuosity | impulsiveness |
Impudent | cheeky |
Indomitable | unshakeable; fearless |
Innocuous | harmless |
Insolvent | bankrupt |
Irresolute | lacking firmness of purpose; hesitant |
Irreverent | lacking respect |
Manipulative | deceptive; skilful at handling people |
Morbidity | concern with death and disease |
Myopic | short-sighted (literal or metaphoric) |
Occlusion | shutting out |
Officious | interfering |
Peevishness | childish sullenness; irritability |
Placid | peaceful |
Prudent | wise; cautious |
Punctilious | meticulous |
Rambunctious | boisterous |
Rancor | bitterness and bad feeling |
Scrutinize | examine carefully |
Scuttled | sunk |
Sedate | calm; placid |
Serene | peaceful |
Squander | waste |
Validated | proved right |
Valor | bravery |
Vulnerable | open to attack; susceptible |
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