SAT Vocabulary List

Words from Official SAT Study Guide Test 8

Alacrity speed and eagerness
Amiable friendly; lovable
Apathetic lacking energy or interest
Bypasses avoids; finds a way around
Capricious whimsical; changeable
Censures blames
Conciliatory seeking compromise
Convergence coming together
Cumulative building up
Deferment putting off
Deliberation careful thought
Delineates outlines
Derelict rundown; abandoned
Discrepancy inconsistency
Embittered full of bitter feelings
Encroaching trespassing
Eradicate wipe out
Exacerbates makes worse
Exasperation frustration and annoyance
Exorbitant excessive
Flabbergasted shocked; speechless
Foil for person that shows another to advantage
Frugal economical
Glacial icy; unfriendly
Grimy dirty
Inconsequential unimportant
Indiscernible not easy to see
Infusion influx
Integrity honesty
Jaded tired; bored
Juxtaposition placing two thing nest to each other
Lithe flexible
Miffed annoyed
Mitigator moderator
Modicum tiny amount
Negate wipe out
Nondescript having no special qualities; ordinary
Penurious miserly
Phlegmatic calm; imperturbable
Razing cutting down
Recrimination blame
Reprieve let off (at least temporarily)
Rousing stirring
Salvageable can be saved
Scouring cleaning thoroughly; thorough searching
Secluded lonely; isolated
Solace comfort
Squelch suppress; crush
Stifling suppressing
Surfeit excess
Tangential off the point; irrelevant
Temper moderate
Tremulous hesitant
Unyielding not giving up
Vigilant wary; watchful
Waning declining
Warped twisted; distorted
Wary cautious
Wrath anger

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