SAT Vocabulary List

Words from Official SAT Study Guide Test 7

Aberration deviation; abnormality
Abstruse difficult to comprehend
Affability friendliness; cordiality
Affluence wealth and status
Alleviation making less severe
Amalgamation mixture or joining of different components
Amassed accumulated
Arcane esoteric
Augmenting increasing in size or number
Belied contradicted
Benevolent kindly
Callous cruel and unfeeling
Candid truthful; honest
Coalition a union of two parts
Concordance agreement
Conflagration big fire
Copious in large amounts
Dearth shortage
Debacle disaster
Disarming charming; unthreatening
Disillusioned freed from wrong ideas
Disparaging criticizing
Embellished decorated
Empathetic understanding in an insightful way
Encompassed included; surrounded
Endorsement support; approval
Entourage group of followers; retinue
Equanimity peace of mind; balance; calm
Eradicating wiping out; destroying
Esoteric obscure
Exacerbated made worse
Excised cut out
Exotic strange; foreign
Faction section; group with common interests
Finagle wheedle; wangle; trick
Grating harsh; rasping
Gratuitous free; unwarranted
Hackneyed commonplace; over-used
Insightful perceptive
Insolence rudeness
Intrigued interested and curious
Intuition sixth sense; �gut feeling�
Languid lacking energy; weak
Lobby 1. to try to persuade, 2. entrance hall
Lucid clear
Marred spoiled; ruined
Meager small; scanty
Monotonous dull; repetitive
Motley varied; miscellaneous
Opting choosing
Overhaul renovate
Preclude prevent
Precursors forerunners
Purportedly apparently claiming
Ratify give official approval to
Resilience strength; ability to withstand
Retraction removal; �taking back�
Sporadic intermittent; on and off
Spurned shunned; rejected
Substantiated backed up; given supporting evidence
Supplant replace
Truculence stubbornness
Unequivocal certain; cannot be disputed
Voluminous large; bulky; extensive
Winnow sift; separate good from bad

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