SAT Vocabulary List

Words from Official SAT Study Guide Test 5

Abstruse difficult to comprehend
Acumen sharpness of mind
Adroit skilful / skillful
Anachronistic out of normal time range
Arcane obscure; known only to few people
Autonomy self-government
Belittlers people who criticize/disparage
Byzantine excessive; decadent
Consecration dedication
Corollary consequence; inference
Curtail cut short
Debunkers people who expose/throw out old ideas
Devious cunning
Didactic intending to preach or teach
Effacement wiping out; (self-effacement = excessive modesty)
Egotistical selfish
Embodiment living example of
Epitome essence; typical example or symbol of
Esoteric obscure
Extrapolated predicted on the basis of existing data; extended
Foster encourage
Inane silly
Incoherence lack of clarity
Inconspicuous not easily seen
Indiscriminate without thought; random; careless
Ingenuous na�ve
Insolence lack of respect; rudeness
Insurrectionists rebels
Intemperance lack of moderation
Irreverence lack of respect
Jeopardize put at risk
Lackadaisical lazy; careless; lax
Lucid clear
Magnanimity generosity (of spirit)
Multifarious having many aspects
Nefarious infamous
Onerous burdensome
Opportunism grabbing opportunities; seeking unprincipled advantage
Ornate highly decorated
Precursor forerunner
Proponents supporters
Resolute firm of purpose
Sanctity holiness
Seditious causing division or rebellion
Slipshod careless; untidy
Solicitousness expressing care/concern
Sophistry devious logic
Substantiate give supporting evidence
Subversive intending to overthrow
Sustain support
Tenacious holding firmly to idea or purpose
Volatile 1. evaporates easily, 2. easily angered; emotional

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