Abashed | ashamed or sorry |
Allusion | indirect reference |
Ambivalent | undecided; unclear |
Analogy | comparison |
Anecdote | short account/story |
Annihilated | wiped out |
Anomalies | oddities; things that don't fit the pattern |
Antipodes | places on opposite sides of the globe |
Apprehension | worry; nervousness |
Arduous | hard and difficult |
Articulate | (adj.) able to express something well in words |
Assuage | to make less |
Auspicious | fortunate; indicative of a successful outcome |
Avuncular | acting like an uncle; kindly |
Axiom | something that is taken to be true; basic idea that can't be questioned |
Banal | dull; unoriginal |
Bellicose | aggressive |
Benign | kindly |
Bereft of | without; deprived of |
Bifurcation | division into two |
Blatantly | obviously |
Cacophonous | very noisy; unpleasant sounding |
Cantankerous | irritable and difficult to please |
Captivating | fascinating |
Chided | scolded |
Clairvoyant | able to see into the future/another dimension |
Coddled | over-protected; kept warm |
Comely | attractive |
Complacent | smug; over-confident |
Conducive to | suitable for; leading to |
Convivial | sociable and friendly |
Cornucopia | literally a horn filled with fruits etc; symbol of plenty |
Cosmopolitan | composed of varied nationalities |
Counterfeiter | faker; someone who makes fake money, for example |
Decipher | decode; work out meaning |
Deferential | showing respect |
Deterrent | something that puts one off; a preventive |
Dichotomies | divisions into two parts |
Diffident | shy; hesitant |
Digression | going off the point |
Discriminating | 1. able to make fine distinctions between; having good taste, 2. favoring one side/group and acting against another |
Docile | placid; easily lead |
Elite | the upper levels in a society; the privileged ones |
Equitable | fair and equal |
Equivocal | ambiguous; something that can be interpreted in more than one way |
Exhilarating | exciting |
Fathom | 1. (v) work out; understand, 2. (n) measure of depth |
Fervent | passionate |
Filial | concerned with the relationship between child and parent |
Foreboding | sense of doom |
Funerary | concerned with funerals |
Galvanized | 1. stirred into action; stimulated, 2. coated with zinc |
Grandiose | exaggerated; too great; on a grand scale |
Haughty | arrogant |
Hilarious | very funny |
Hyperbole | over-exaggeration |
Impetuous | impulsive |
Indecipherable | cannot be decoded; cannot be worked out |
Irresolute | lacking firmness; inability to decide or commit |
Levity | lack of seriousness; humor |
Loquacious | talkative |
Mediocre | average |
Mellifluous | pleasant-sounding |
Metaphor | figurative speech; using implied comparisons |
Miscreants | wrong-doers |
Mitigated | made less severe |
Naive | unsophisticated; simple and inexperienced |
Nonchalant | assuming an appearance of not caring; indifferent |
Obliterated | wiped out |
Ousted | pushed out of a position |
Pacifists | people who oppose war |
Panacea | remedy for all ills |
Paradoxically | counter to what one would think; contradictory |
Personification | 1. attributing human qualities to something non-human, 2. acting as an example of |
Perusal | careful reading |
Placid | calm and peaceful |
Presumptuous | assuming too much; arrogant |
Profiteer | someone who seeks to make unjustified profits |
Propagandist | someone who spreads ideas |
Proximity | closeness |
Qualification | something added to modify an opinion |
Reconcile | bring disputing sides together; overcome bad feeling |
Respite | break from work etc. |
Reticent | shy; unwilling to reveal information |
Reverential | showing respect |
Revisionists | people who revise; anti-revolutionaries |
Sanctimonious | hypocritically holy; making a pretense of religious feeling |
Stoic | brave; able to tolerate whatever life throws at you |
Symbiotic | mutually advantageous; close relationship |
Syncopated | with strongly accented rhythm |
Tacit | unspoken; understood even thought not expressed in words |
Taunted | teased; mocked |
Temperate | mild; moderate |
Understatement | making something seem less important than it is |
Unqualified | without hesitation; complete and total |
Unrelenting | never giving up; non-stop |
Unwarranted | unjustified |
Watershed | 1. area between two river basins, 2. turning point |
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