SAT Vocabulary List

Word list 10

Group 1

Bellicose war-like; aggressive
Consummate complete; total; supremely good
Elusive hard to pin down
Gregarious extroverted; sociable; outgoing
Jaundiced cynical; pessimistic
Nettle annoy
Phenomenon an event or happening (plural: phenomena)
Recuperate get better after illness
Superlative extremely good; the best
Whet sharpen

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Group 2

Belligerent aggressive; ready to fight
Contemporary living or happening at the same time
Emaciated very thin; withered
Gritty coarse; granular
Jaunt short pleasure trip
Niggardly miserly; stingy
Philanthropy charity; love of mankind
Red tape formalities; paperwork; official procedure
Surly grumpy; rude
Whimsical capricious; changeable

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Group 3

Bemoan complain about
Contrite sorry
Emancipate set free
Guffaw sudden loud laughter
Jeopardize put at risk; endanger
Nomadic wandering from place to place
Philistine uncultured person
Redolent smelling of; giving off odors
Surreptitious secret; sneaky; stealthy
Willful stubborn

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Group 4

Benevolent kindly
Contrition sorrow and repentance
Embezzle defraud; steal
Guile cunning; craftiness
Jingoistic extremely patriotic; nationalistic
Nonchalance an appearance of indifference; calm and composed
Phlegmatic calm; imperturbable
Redress put right something that was wrong
Surreptitiously secretly; furtively; stealthily
Wily cunning

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Group 5

Benign kindly; harmless
Contumacious stubborn
Embroil involve in hostility or argument
Guileless frank; straightforward; honest
Jocular in a joking manner
Nondescript having no special features; dull and ordinary
Pillage plunder
Redundant unnecessary; superfluous
Susceptible vulnerable
Wispy flimsy; frail; delicate

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Group 6

Benignity compassion; gentleness; fondness
Contusion a bruise
Emerge come out; appear
Gullibility unwariness; trustfulness; being easily fooled
Jollity gaiety; happiness
Nonentity a person of no importance; not famous
Pinnacle topmost point
Referendum public vote
Suspect doubtful
Wistful melancholy; pensive; expressing a longing for

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Group 7

Bequeath leave something in one's will to be given after one's death
Conundrum a puzzle
Emulate to imitate something admired
Gullible easily fooled
Jubilant ecstatic; delighted; rejoicing
Nostalgia longing for the past
Pious very religious
Refute disprove
Sybarite lover of luxury
Zany crazy; wacky

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Group 8

Berate scold; criticize
Conventional usual; customary; common
Endorse give support or approval to
Gustatory concerned with the sense of taste
Judicious correct in judgment; wise
Notoriety infamy; known for wrong doing
Pivotal of central importance
Regale entertain
Sycophant bootlicker; flatterer
Zeal enthusiasm

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Group 9

Beret type of cap
Corpulent fat
Endurance staying power; patience; stamina
Hackneyed common and over-used
Jurisprudence science or study of law
Novel new; unusual
Placate pacify; soothe; calm
Relegate dismiss to a lower position
Taciturn quiet; saying little
Zealot fanatic

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Group 10

Bestial behaving like a beast; brutal
Corrugated highly folded
Enduring lasting
Hallowed worshipped; consecrated
Juxtapose place next to
Novice a beginner; tyro
Placebo harmless medicine with no effect; dummy medicine
Remorse regret; sorrow; contrition
Tactile concerned with the sense of touch
Zenith summit

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