Assessor name
Britta Campe
Date issued
23 Mar 2015
Final hand in date
24 Apr 2015
Assessment date
15 May 2015
Internal Verifier name
Course and level
BTEC Level 3 - 90 Credit ext. diploma in IT
Unit number & title
Unit 31 – Computer Animation
Learning aims / outcomes /criteria
LO1 – Understand he types and uses of animation
Duration (approx)
10 hours
Vocational Scenario:
You are a student on work experience in a multimedia firm and your line manager has asked you to create a report in which you should explain types and uses of animation as well as the software available to create various animations.
What will I do?
Task 1:
Explain the different types of animation:
Please take a screen print of a sample animation for each type from within Flash to aid your understanding.
Task 2:
Explain in detail what persistence of vision is.
Give some examples you know including screen prints to help explain this.
Task 3:
Explain the different uses of animation describing with examples (you can provide links to websites):
Creative arts
Task 4:
Animation formats:
a) Discuss advantages and limitations of animated gifs. You could create a table for this task.(P3)
b) Compare the different animation formats: dynamic html, flash, quicktime, realplayer
Task 5:
Describe 6 of the following software tools available for animation: frames layers controls tweening buttons libraries symbols integrating other media preloaders scripts
Purpose of this assignment:
What will I learn?
The purpose of this assignment is to: demonstrate an understanding of the types and uses of animation and software available to create them.
Assignment Schedule:
How will I manage my assignment?
Week 1
A student friendly scheme of work
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