A: Marketing and Article Essay

Submitted By zoiezhang
Words: 1614
Pages: 7

a)Article Number : 1

xInhua. March 9th,2014. Tencent and Jingdong close to shareholding deal. Retrieved from March 10, 2014. From http://www.wantchinatimes.com/news-subclass-cnt.aspx?id=2014030900Tencent and Jingdong close to shareholding deal0117&cid=1206
b)Why the article was chosen?
This article was chosen because its title attract in business news, not only it talked about the online market in china, but also it shows the changes in the trend in 2013.
c) Concept and 2
2. shareholder

d) An analysis or critique of article
After I read this news, the market share of online market will be changed. Tencent give a strong support to jingdong, in deep, tencent want to use yixun as a tool to against alibaba. The complexion will be changed by this hareholding deal, which means tmall is not the biggest taker of online market.

a)Article Number:2

Reference: Chanthadavong. March 6th, 2014. Managing the customer relationship with CRM. Retrieved from March7th, 2014. From http://www.zdnet.com/managing-the-customer-relationship-with-crm-7000027047/ Page number
b)Why the article was chosen?
This article was chosen because it gives a brief idea of CRM. Not only the concept, but also provide a example of Australia.
c) Concept : 8
1. customer relationship management (CRM)
2. co-founder
3.CTO: chief technology officer
4. business to business
5.business to consumer
6. Commerce, or marketing centric.
7. customer loyalty
8. EPR: enterprise resource planning

d) An analysis or critique of article
My analysis of this article is that it presents that customer relationship management plays a significant role in creating and maintaining customer loyalty in a company. And personalised experience are needed by more and more consumers. We also can see the trend that CRM become more important and helpful to grow the business to customers lifecycle.

a)Article Number :3

Reference: Digitaljournal. February 18th, 2014. China B2C Online Shopping Industry Report, 2013-2016. Retrieved from March 3, 2014.From: http://www.digitaljourna.com/pr/1742651.
b)Why the article was chosen?
This article was chosen because it presents the overview of B2C online shopping industry. And a brief look of Chinese online shopping market environments.
c) Concept :2
2.GAGR: compound Annual Growth Rate

d) An analysis or critique of article
My analysis of this article is that it presents that the online market size is growing bigger. Tmall took the biggest part of online market, and jingdong is right behind it. As today’s news(03-10)said that Tencent holding Limited corporate with jingdong, which will content against Tmall. But actually tmall is a strong competitor.

a)Article Number:4

The Associated Press. March 7, 2014. Oil Imports Push U.S. Trade Deficit Higher. NewyorkTimes. Retrieved from March 8th, 2014. From http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/08/business/international/oil-imports-push-us-trade-deficit-higher.html?action=click&module=Search&region=searchResults%230&version=&url=http%3A%2F%2Fquery.nytimes.com%2Fsearch%2Fsitesearch%2F%3Faction%3Dclick%26region%3DMasthead%26pgtype%3DHomepage%26module%3DSearchSubmit%26contentCollection%3DHomepage%26t%3Dqry801%23%2FBMO%2F30days%2Farticles%2F
b)Why the article was chosen?
This article was chosen because it is a good example of trade deficit. Not only I can understand the concept, but also the situation of this economic phenomenon.
c) Concept and 4
3.trade deficit
4. the Commerce Department
d) An analysis or critique of article
My analysis of this article is that it explains the situation of trade deficit in us. The trend of decreasing trade deficit showed that the shortage of US.

a)Article Number:5

Koh, Y. March 7, 2014. Twitter Ad Rates Fall Again. WSJ.D Retrieved from March 8th, 2014. From http://blogs.wsj.com/digits/2014/03/07/twitter-ad-rates-fall-again-down-18-in-fourth-quarter/
b)Why the article was