Written Task 2
Alexis Cruz
3rd period
Word Count: 1,125
Disrupter, Disconnectionists, and Dicks Written Task 2 Outline
How and why is a social group (or group) represented in particular way?
Thesis: Through her writing she explains her views on Nev Schulman’s book, his own characteristic’s, as well as why she believes this.
Body paragraph 1:
Healy Finds Schulman to be an “dick” because of his miscommunication through his book
“Before we go any further, I want to make something absolutely clear. In Real Life: Love, Lies & Identity In The Digital Age is not a good book and I don’t think you should read it. But I’m glad I read it—and not just because it affirmed my long-held suspicions that the author is a clued-out dick.”
His work isn’t enough to actually mean something new
Body Paragraph 2:
Schulman’s past about him punching a girl in the face and then posting a twitter post about showing women respect, this found to be hypocritical
The author uses ethos to get the readers to understand her point of view
“I don’t need to explain that in this story there is no actual change in the narrator’s perspective, only in his surface-level behavior, because it’s obvious.”
Body paragraph 3:
Why the author feels this way, because she doensnt agree with what Schulman says about “connection” in his book
Doesn’t approve his writing stylistics and feels that it’s the same as any other writer.
Has her own idea on connection and the internet
“What I’m waiting for is a writer who understands the complexities and nuances of trying to be a person both on and in spite of the internet; for the kind of writing that gives its readers the expansive, resonant relief of understanding and being understood, of being chastised, forgiven, and encouraged to do better all at once.”
How and why is this person represented in a particular way? In Emma Healy’s article Disrupters, Disconnectionists, and Dicks, she talks about the star of the popular TV documentary show Catfish, Nev Schulman. In Healy’s article she talks about Shulmans past and about his book, In real Life, Love, Lies & Identity in the Digital Age. Through Healy’s writing she explains her views on Nev Schulman’s book, his own characteristic’s, as well as why she believes this. Through out the article Healy expresses how she finds that Schulman is a dangerous person and hypocritical, “At best, Nev’s general steez feels disingenuous; at worst, his attitude reminds me of some of the most dangerous men I’ve encountered – the kind who are capable both of assaulting women and of speaking out publicly against misogyny and abuse without ever recognizing any kind of disconnect in their behavior.” Said Healy in her article. She uses ethos as well as her own personal opinion to express how she sees Schulman as well as his book, “Before we go any further, I want to make something absolutely clear. In Real Life: Love, Lies & Identity In The Digital Age is not a good book and I don’t think you should read it. But I’m glad I read it—and not just because it affirmed my long-held suspicions that the author is a clued-out dick.” This giving the impression to the reader that Schulman’s work is not in any way significant enough to read and that the book itself is not worth the read. She says that Shulman is a “clued-out dick” but why? This leads to Healy talking about the content actually found in Schulman’s book In Real Life: Love, Lies & Identities In the Digital Age and how it talks about people needing to put down electronics and actually live their lives. This is what Healy does not agree with because she feels that by him saying this, he is not any different than anyone else. “The book somehow manages to feel both tired and frantic, full of predictable advice delivered in a weird, narc-y register…” says Healy talking about Schulman’s book. It is because of this review that perceives Nev to be very vague and how he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
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