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Assessment Documentation This Assessor Guide is Terms and conditions Submitting your evidence portfolio You are recommended to seek the advice of your assessor when putting together your evidence portfolio in order to confirm that you have provided sufficient evidence of competency. You should note that your evidence portfolio must be retained by the Registered Training Organisation for audit purposes and will not be returned to you. If you wish to keep any evidence, you should make a copy prior to submission for assessment. You are advised to make sure you clearly label each answer and task and complete all sections of each assessment. If possible, you should also submit copies of any workplace documents that may be relevant to this unit of competency. In this case you will need to gain approval to provide the copies from your employer.
Ownership and plagiarism You are advised by accepting these terms and conditions you have declared the evidence that you submit is your own work or the result of your own research. By signing the declaration below you acknowledge your assessment is your own and contains no material written by another person except where due reference is made. Note that if you quote any source in your evidence, you must provide a reference to the source in order to ensure that you do not breach Copyright legislation. You need to be aware that a false declaration may lead to the withdrawal of a