Work Culture Preferences Essay example

Submitted By dphr3sh
Words: 432
Pages: 2

Career Plan Building Activity Work Culture Preferences

The Phoenix career services has provided an eye opening look at some of the key traits I have and exactly what career path is best suited for me. One of the most exciting discoveries within the career interest profiler surveys was finding out that a career path option was Judicial. Suggestions of becoming a judge, attorney, librarian, archivist, director of an educational institution, and finally the route I am taking supervisors of sales rounded off the list. These professions were chosen based off the qualitative analysis determined by the facts that I possess investigative enterprising and social skills. This essentially means I enjoy figuring out things in my head, grouping people together to generate money, and getting things active in the community like providing services for other people.
The competency portion of the career profiler showed me that I have a lot of entrepreneurial thinking. The portions marked taking initiative, organization, goal focus, and expertise in coping with pressure all faired above medium. I am more than satisfactory in these areas; however, there are always opportunities to improve who you are. More so, I am enlightened because this allowed me to see that the right path and better prepare for a career, not just employment. As far as my work culture results, I am team centered, high-powered, and ethical. Meaning I like to be around people working to close-knit in a team setting. I always want to have a job that seems like it's going to always challenge me and pay me for what I am being challenging for, but I also believe in being fair and equal. Equality is ever important because