Why Worship Essay

Submitted By fortwert
Words: 552
Pages: 3

Theology of Worship
I. The chair – An elderly man struggled to find a relationship with Christ and he struggled to pray because he could not see Christ. A friend told him to put him in a chair and talk to him there. He did. He had an empty chair beside his bed in which no one else could ever sit. That was Jesus’ chair. The man found Jesus there. He talked to him there. He developed a relationship there. He became ill and no one heard from him for days. They found him, passed away, with his arms wrapped around the chair. He went home in the arms of his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
a. Worship is borne out of a relationship with God
b. Made to know him – not only about Him, but to truly know Him and to be in relationship with Him
II. Made for relationship –
a. You only have to look at the Creation story to know that we were SPECIALLY made for a relationship with HIM
b. In Genesis, chapter 1 …
i. God spoke and said LET THERE BE
1. Light … and there was
2. Expanse in the midst of the waters … and there was heaven and earth
3. Let dry land appear … and it did
4. Let there be a sun, a moon, and stars … and there was a sun, a moon, and stars
5. Water swarm with living creatures … and they swarmed
6. Let the earth bring forth living creatures … and living creatures were brought forth ii. God said … and it was so iii. God said … and it was so iv. He SPOKE everything into existence
v. But THEN, God said in Gen. 1:26 … Let us MAKE man vi. Everything else was spoken into existence … but God MADE you and me vii. Read Gen. 2:7

III. While the style of our corporate worship has changed over the years … and will continue to grow, change, and be shaped over again by future generations … The main point of worship is the Heart for Worship.
IV. Styles will change, but past generations of worship leaders