The evolvement of technology and the Internet is taking the world by storm, as it is revolutionising the way we live and act in our lives on a daily basis. Accessing information has never been so easy as nowadays I can find information about anything and everything in a split second thanks to the Internet. ‘Markup Language’ is the prominent reason why we can access information at any time from a variety of sources, as it is what websites are made of.
‘Markup Language’ is a set of instructions based on the framework of a website, coded using words and symbols. (What is Markup Language, 2003) It’s a standard programming language that aids people in designing web pages, by allowing them to use tags and labels to help distinguish the websites context, appearance and function. (Markup Languages, 2011) Markup languages is how a system interprets instructed information. It doesn’t necessarily need to be deciphered through a computer system as the language is human-readable allowing the language to use standard words in contrast to using classic programming syntax. (Markup Language 2011) There are many different Markup languages but the most common used are HTML, XML.
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is used to create websites as they are all constructed through using HTML. Tim Berners Lee, the creator of World Wide Web, developed HTML in the early 90’s. (Kyrin, 2015) The language is used to characterize how text and images can be presented interactively. HTML was made based on the concept of SGML (Standard Generalised Markup Language.) HTML uses tags to determine the format of its text. The tags show how the text should appear and structured visually in the web browser. In real-life the webpage would just be a document with a bunch of symbols and words combined together to form a set of instructions. (Kyrin, 2015) As change is growing more and more upon us so did HTML, with new versions being installed to upgrade and add more interesting features.
In saying that you can’t really create and have a functioning web page without CSS, (Cascading Style Sheet.) It was developed in the late 90’s due to the fact that web developers wanted to isolate the context from the design. This was so HTML could execute the content correctly without having to think or concern about the visual arrangement. (What is CSS- Kyrin 2015)
XML (eXtensible Markup Language) was designed to describe data. It allows people to customise and make up their own tags. It also can help define other languages. (Myer 2005)
Before the Internet and the invention of computers, publishers and editors used Markup Language. Markup Language was invented to create a common language for people to understand.
Markup Language is the ‘language of the internet’ as it is a set of tags and labels to define text features within a document to show it’s context, design and use. (Kay, 2000) It’s significant to society and today’s generation as we are constantly relying on technology to communicate with one another. Markup Language helps communication work more efficiently through collaboration. Markup Langauge
their smaller screens. The site comes in huge, it is hard to load, navigation is difficult to use, the graphics are blurry, text is challenging to read, and photos distorted if they appear at all. Designers now have to consider how they are designing, what the pages will look like on the smartphone with smaller screens. New technology is coming out for the smartphones and all the other gadgets. Nicole Cohen author of “Timeline: A History of Touch-Screen Technology” has a great article covering…
CGS2518 Final Exam Review Chapter 6 1. RATE: function to calculate the interest percentage per period of a financial transaction. 2. PV: function to calculate the value at the beginning of a financial transaction. 3. FV: function to calculate the value at the end of a financial transaction. 4. PMT: function to calculate the number of compounding periods in or out of a financial transaction. 5. NPER: function to calculate the number of compounding periods in a financial transaction. 6. TYPE:…
pages accessible for as many people and devices as possible. The languages used to create a web page following web standards are: Structural languages * HTML(Hypertext Markup Language) * XHTML (Extensible Hypertext Markup Lanuage) * XML(Extensible Markup Language)1.0 Presentation Languages * CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) Level1 * CSS Level 2 revision 1 * CSS Level3 * MathML(Mathematical Markup Language) * SVG(Scalable Vector Graphics) Object Models * DOM (Document…
ATTENDANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM By Sunil Nakka (023175927) Mohammad Soheb Ali Khan (023192710) Mohammed Abdul Waseem(023189655) Under the Guidence of Dr Pradip Peter Dey National University San Diego, CA 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 MOTIVATION The intention of developing Attendance System is to computerized the tradition way of taking attendance. Another purpose for developing this software is to generate the desired reports automatically at the end of the session or in the…
pretty good for exchanging information, and indeed for accessing information such as the Catalogue of the US Library of Congress, it was visually very boring. In an attempt to make this more aesthetic, companies like Compuserve and AOL began developing what used to be called GUIs (or graphical user interfaces). GUIs added a bit of colour and a bit of layout, but were still pretty boring. Indeed IBM personal computers were only beginning to adopt Windows interfaces - before that with MSDOS interfaces they…
communication * VoIP * Intranet is a private version of the internet * HTML(Hyper text markup language): is the basic language of the internet * Elements are forms of tags * 2 styles of websites: Static or dynamic * Fat client: robust program, bad distribution. * Thin client: uses the internet browser, good distribution bad language(HTML). * Risk assessment- knowing what to if something unplanned happenes. * DoS: Denial-of-service attack is the worste virus *…
the assignment into seven subtasks or areas of concentration. These seven subtasks are as follows: Identify basic XHTML tags and attributes used in your prototype; Compare how different web browsers display our prototype, what differences we noticed in the web browsers and what caused them; Describe how Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) were used to format the site’s web content; Explain how JavaScript® arrays, loops, and conditional statements were used in our prototype; Identify professional web development…
2. what specific principles for conduce can be used to guide ethical decisions? There five steps for ethical analysis. a. Identify and describe clearly the facts. Find out who did what to whom, and where, when, and how. In many instances, you will be surprised at the errors in the initially reported facts, and often you will find that simply getting the facts straight helps define the solution. It also helps to get the opposing parties involved in an ethical dilemma to agree on the facts.…
Carry out some research to see how it could be possible to embed a Google Map into a Webpage.-504229230624 Link for new Updated Maps. Research, and write a couple of short paragraphs, about ‘ ’. What are they? Why should a customer purchase this product – write it as though it can appear on the ‘services’ page of their website. Solar panels (PV)…