What Causes Cancer Essay examples

Submitted By Adrienne20
Words: 3947
Pages: 16

What Causes Cancer?
The past century has revealed extensive research implicating a microbial origin as the cause of cancer. At the leading edge, Dr. Royal Rife’s 1930s research identified evidence of a human cancer virus by isolating and culturing the suspected virus. After injecting numerous rats with the microbe, cancer consistently developed in both live cells and tissue cultures. Numerous other researchers also found evidence proving Rife’s findings. Currently, Canadian biologist Gaston Naessens uses ultraviolet microscopy that easily views what has now been identified as the BX cancer virus in live blood samples of cancer patients.
Dr. Rife was the first to prove beyond any doubt that the microbe involved in cancer formation is pleomorphic, meaning the microbe has multiple morphologies that change accordingly with particular external stimulus. Dr. Robert O. Young, PhD., asserts that this pleomorphic microbe is found in every human being and it is irrefutably the inner terrain of the individual that enables the microbe to morph into cancer (read our article “Reclaim Your Inner Terrain” for a better understanding). Rife proved that the BX cancer virus has four distinct forms that can induce cancer formation within 36 hours of medium alteration. According to Rife:
“In reality, it is not the bacteria themselves that produce the disease, but the chemical constituents of these microorganisms enacting upon the unbalanced cell metabolism of the human body that produces the disease. If the metabolism of the human body is perfectly balanced, it is susceptible to NO disease.”
Every human body contains extremely small microbes called “somatids”, “microzyma”, “bion”, or “protits”. These are essentially viruses in hibernation that capitalize on our inability to properly detoxify, in which case they morphologically change. Under ideal conditions, these somatids are inert. However, once an organism mutates as a result of a change or stimulus in the environment and the virus penetrates a healthy human cell, the microbe easily alters metabolic functioning within the cell. This metabolic alteration is the precursor to the formation of cancer as described below.
Metabolic Changes and Cancer Formation
A variety of cancer causing agents or toxic carcinogens, enter the body stimulating their transformation into yeast, fungus, mold and/or bacteria. Independent cancer studies on these microbes have produced varied perspectives on the pleomorphic microbe; some call it a virus, some a fungus, a mold, an acid-fast bacteria or mycobacterium, even an amoeba. Which of these descriptions is correct? Most likely all descriptions are valid.
Researchers have indicated that the primary cause of cancer of a cell is the microbial interference with both the Krebs Cycle and the Electron Transport Chain (ETC) in the mitochondria. These two cycles are essential for proper cell functioning, as they are involved in the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the cells’ energy source. During normal conditions the cell has an amazing ability to restore the Krebs Cycle and ETC once they are broken. But what interferes with the highly regulated production of ATP and how is it able to continuously inhibit its production?
As previously described, environmental changes cause the alteration of the BX virus into cancer causing pleomorphic forms. These same environmental changes may result in damage or weakening of cell membranes, enabling these pleomorphic microbes to enter the normal cell, whether presenting as a fungus, mold or bacteria.
Once inside, the microbe intercepts the glucose that is entering the cell and uses it as fuel resulting in microbial fermentation of glucose, which causes excretion of acidic mycotoxins and dangerous hormones. These highly acidic secretions cause a drop in the cells’ pH, a characteristic of cancer cells. With the continuous interception of glucose entering the cell, the mitochondrion receives very