A Conditional Sentence With A False Antecedent?

Submitted By myboo107
Words: 435
Pages: 2

1) In the truth table for an invalid argument, Student Answer: on at least one row, where the premises are all true, the conclusion is true. CORRECT on at least one row, where the premises are all true, the conclusion is false. on all the rows where the premises are all true, the conclusion is true. on most of the rows, where the premises are all true, the conclusion is true. Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in Chapter Six of An Introduction to Logic. 2. Question : The truth table for a valid deductive argument will show Student Answer: CORRECT wherever the premises are true, the conclusion is true. that the premises are false. INCORRECT that some premises are true, some premises false. wherever the premises are true, the conclusion is false. Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in Chapter Six of An Introduction to Logic. 3. Question : Truth tables can be used to examine Student Answer: INCORRECT inductive arguments. CORRECT deductive arguments. abductive arguments. All of the above Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in Chapter Six of An Introduction to Logic. 4. Question : A conditional sentence with a false antecedent is always Student Answer: CORRECT true. false. Cannot be determined. not a sentence. Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in Chapter Six of An Introduction to Logic. 5. Question : Truth tables can determine which of the following? Student Answer: CORRECT If an argument is valid If an argument is sound If a sentence is valid All of the above 6. Question : "P v Q" is best interpreted as Student Answer: P or Q but not both P and Q