Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
(Anthropology 310 Course Syllabus)
Instructor: Dr. Anastasia Panagakos Office: SOC 139 Office phone: 916-691-7895 E-mail: Facebook: “Professora Panagakos” Office Hrs: Tue 8-9, Wed 11-2, Thu 12-1 & by appt *Please email me for quickest response
Course Description
Cultural anthropologists study the diversity of human societies around the world. Although we often study smallscale societies, frequently located in remote parts of the world, cultural anthropologists also conduct research in industrial societies. Today's anthropologists can be found studying such varied topics as high-tech workers in Bombay, Asian-American deejays and hip-hop in California, and anti-globalization activism in France. Regardless of where the research takes place, the purpose of much contemporary anthropology is to bring a comparative, crosscultural approach to understanding how human beings respond to the challenges of living in the modern world. Cultural anthropologists take a holistic approach to the study of humankind. This means that we do not simply look at a single part of a society or problem in order to address a particular research question; instead, we examine the interrelationship among several areas of study. In this course we will address the following issues: the theoretical development of the field of cultural anthropology within the context of European and American colonial expansion; the debate between the view that anthropology is a (nearly) objective science versus the postmodern view that it is unalterably biased and interpretative; fieldwork methodology and issues; how anthropologists classify various types of subsistence patterns; religion and ritual; gender, class, race and ethnicity; identity and community issues; the problems of industrialization and globalization; and issues of representation in the mass media. Through these issues we will examine some of the methods, theories, and debates in contemporary cultural anthropology. The goals of the course are as follows: 1) to give you a broad overview of what is anthropology and its place in the contemporary world 2) to reach a higher understanding of the world around us by appreciating differences (not deficiencies) in cultures world-wide.
Assignments and Due Dates
ASSIGNMENT Syllabus & D2L Quiz Quizzes (6 x 5% each) Homework (3 x 10% each) Participant Observation Paper Digital Media Paper Discussion Boards WEIGHT 10% 30% 30% 15% 15% extra credit DUE DATE (last day to submit work) January 25 Varies (see Quizzes in D2L) Varies (see D2L Dropbox) March 1 April 12
Fine print: Assignments will be accepted in the appropriate D2L dropbox until the closing date at 5:00
p.m. Pacific Standard Time. Late work will not be accepted without a verified reason from the professor.
Course Schedule
Week 1 Jan 20-26 Week 2 Jan 27-Feb 2 Week 3 Feb 3-Feb 9 Week 4 Feb 10-Feb 16 Week 5 Feb 17-Feb 23 Week 6 Feb 24-Mar 2 Week 7 Mar 3-Mar 9
Introduction: What is Anthropology? What is Cultural Anthropology? Syllabus & D2L Quiz Due (Jan 25) Basic Concepts Fieldwork and Ethnography Quiz #1 Due Fieldwork and Ethnography 2 Film: How Cultures are Studied Homework # 1 Due Ethics and Responsibility Film: Margaret Mead & Samoa Language and Communication Film: The Linguists Quiz #2 Due Subsistence Part. Observation Paper due Economics & Social Stratification Quiz #3 Due
Ember & Ember– Chapter 1 Online Readings: Body Ritual Among the Nacirema Ember & Ember– Chapter 2
Schlegel – Prologue, Chapters 1 & 2
Schlegel – Chapter 3 Ember & Ember– Chapter 3
Ember & Ember– Chapter 4 Schlegel – Chapters 4-6 Ember & Ember– Chapter 5 Schlegel – Chapters 7-8 Online Readings: Eating Christmas in the Kalahari Ember & Ember– Chapter 6 Schlegel – Chapters 9 & 10 Ember & Ember– Chapter 7 Schlegel – Chapters 11 & 12