Week 3 Experiment Answer Sheet 1 Essay

Submitted By alexismp15
Words: 1357
Pages: 6

Lab 6 Introductory Animation: Diffusion and Osmosis
through the Lab 6 Introduc.on material and view the anima.on provided. Then, answer the following ques9ons. If you use an outside source to answer these ques3ons, please remember to provide a cita3on:
Dialysis is the process of removing waste products from the blood. This removal is normally done by the kidneys, but if they are impaired, then a dialysis machine can perform a similar function. Osmosis is the net movement of water across a selectively permeable membrane driven by a difference in the amounts of solute on the two sides of the membrane.
The water content doesn't change significantly because water moves freely across the membrane and water appears to be in equilibrium.

Lab 6 Experiment 2: Concentration Gradients and Membrane Permeability
the Lab 6 Introduc.on material. Follow the instruc9ons outlined in Lab 6 Experiment 2 and complete the tables below and answer the ques9ons associated with this experiment. Read the instruc9ons carefully before beginning! Be sure to read over the informa9on under the W eek 3 E xperiment link in our course as well.
4 S tarch Diffusion– ini9al results provided to show you what you should to see. If this is not what you see, then you have done something incorrect. (2 pts)

C olorStarch present?ColorStarch present?Beaker Yellowish

Dialysis tube* Purple Yes



Yes No

Table 5 G lucose Diffusion – ini9al results provided to show you what you should to see. If this is not what you see, then you have done something incorrect. (2 pts)

C olorGlucose present?ColorGlucose present?Beaker Yellow

Green Dialysis tube* Green Yes


Yes No

Ques.ons (12 pt)
Which substance(s) crossed the dialysis membrane and moved into the beaker solution? What evidence from your results proves this?
Starch, because the presence of the Glucose
What molecule(s) remained inside of the dialysis bag? Why?
Starch and Sugar, they are too large
Where is there more starch; in the dialysis bag or the beaker? Where is there more glucose? Beaker, in the beaker
Which solution, that in the bag or that in the beaker, is hypotonic compared with the starch solution?
In the beaker
How do you think the glucose concentration might affect diffusion rate? Cite any source(s) used.

The greater the concentration gradient between the outside and inside of the membrane the greater the rate of diffusion will be.

Lab 7 Experiment 1: Directions and Concentration Gradients
through the Lab 7 Introduc.on material and then the Lab 7 E xperiment 1 informa9on. Set up your experiment as described and record your data in the table below. Then answer the ques9ons. Be sure to read over the informa9on under the Week 3 E xperiment link in our course as well.
2: W ater movement (2 pts) INCLUDEPICTURE "hSp://vizedhtmlcontent.next.ecollege.com/pub/content/ d27453d2-­‐4702-­‐4747-­‐becb-­‐d2c7374024b9/CourseRoot/images/spacer.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "hSp://vizedhtmlcontent.next.ecollege.com/ pub/content/d27453d2-­‐4702-­‐4747-­‐becb-­‐d2c7374024b9/CourseRoot/images/spacer.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Ini.al Volume

Will water move in or out?