P R E S E N T E D B Y: C A N S A N D R A M C N A I R
• Employers do have a right to set a standard of who they want to work for their organization
• HR Departments have been accused of screening applications • What should be done with the Question?
• “have you ever been convicted of a crime other than a minor traffic violation.
• This question points out past criminal offenses
• EEOC- states that persons that are convicted of a crime have the right to have the Employers to consider them for the position applied for regardless of the crime the committed as long as the conviction is not going to affect their job performance POSITIONS FELONS ARE PROHIBITED
Military and Law Enforcement
Professional Licensure
Health Care (Distributing Pharmaceuticals)
Child Care
Prisoner Transportation
Government Agencies
• The Right to hire who the want as long as they don’t discriminate against there naturally born rights • Have to follow the guidelines of the Title VII of
Civil Rights Act
• Working Opportunity Tax Credit
• $2,400 per felon that is employed within the company
• Federal Insurance Provided
• $5,000 insurance provided to employer in case the employee commits a crime while at work
• Security company for the Olympics
• Security Officer
Slides 4-6 of PowerPoint® Presentation) Explain accreditation. 4. Admission Requirements (refer to Slide 7 of PowerPoint® Presentation) a. HS Diploma/GED b. English proficiency c. Verification of negative TB test results d. Receipt of request for a Certificate of Clearance 5. Degree Requirements (refer to Slide 8 of PowerPoint® Presentation) a. 121 units b. Minimum 2.5 GPA c. Program specific requirements and assessments 6. Minimum Grade Requirements (refer to Slide 9 of PowerPoint® Presentation)…
to BIOPAC student lab software itself, and the other monitor displaying the PowerPoint presentation. The BIOPAC GSR transducer and BIOPAC ECG electrode lead set connect to the BIOPAC data acquisition unit which relays information to the lab software. 3 Disposable vinyl electrodes were also used per participant. 12 pictures were used with 6 being neutral non related to alcohol such as a table or wardrobe with the other 6 being alcohol related, e.g. somebody drinking a glass of wine. The Biopac system…
week: Due Date: Grade: Free write: progress notes about research paper Not Graded Not Graded Unit 8: Visual Argument Analysis Week 9 (bring to class!) Research paper rough draft Week 9 (bring to class!) Complete Power Point presentation: Submit one copy of slides (multiple slides on one page is fine; emailed is also fine) Week 10 Checklist for this week: Complete the free writing exercise Complete Unit 8 Assignment: Visual Argument Analysis Complete research paper rough draft Complete Power Point…
Engineering Drawings E. Samples Answer Key: D Feedback: PowerPoint Slide 6 - 8 Question 16 of 50 2.0 Points Which of the following is not all approach in developing balanced specifications from the perspective of a supply professional? A. Informal Approach B. Supply Management Coordinator Approach Correct C. Engineering Approach D. Consensus Development Approach E. Cross-Functional Approach Answer Key: C Feedback: Chapter 6 - Pages 128/129 Question 17 of 50 2.0 Points Which…
so the highest grade would be a 0. 5. What is the highest grade that you can earn for submitting assignments in other software programs besides Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint (2007-2013)? A score of 0. 6. Where can you find the topics for the Final Project? By clicking on Modules, scrolling down to the end of unit 4 and clicking final project topics. 7. How can you access your grades in Canvas? Provide step by step instructions. First you have to sign into canvas Second you would…
20 of the 30 listed locations. Each team will then create a PowerPoint or PhotoStory3 using the pictures (10 from each group). Each picture must have an explanation or narration that gives background information about the place that is not evident from the picture. For example, when was the building built and after whom was it named? This project is to establish a Sense of Place and an understanding of the concepts in the Urban Unit. Due: Second Day of school Points: 20 pts = 1 point per picture…
including the system unit, input/output devices and storage, system software, the internet and the World Wide Web. 3. Review basic features of the Windows 7 interface including file management 4. Develop basic computer software skills by creating documents and presentations in the popular Microsoft Office Professional suite. Software packages to be used include Word 2010 for word processing, Excel 2010 for spreadsheet development, Access 2010 for database management, and PowerPoint 2010 for graphic…
Business Level 3 BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in Business Level 3 Units covered Unit 4: Business Communication Learning aims covered Learning aim 4: Task 1 Part a (Electronic methods) 1) From the list below produce a table and choose three methods of electronic methods that are used by your chosen organisation and how it applies to the audience. • E mails • Web pages • Video • Mobile phones • SMS/text messages • PowerPoint presentations • Video conferencing • TV adverts • Radio…
Learning Sector (PTLLS - City & Guilds 6302) [pic] 5th – 7th September 2012 10th ,12th and 13th December 2012 18th – 20th March 2013 [pic] Assignment 1: Unit 008 (level 4) [pic] Roles, responsibilities and relationships in lifelong learning Brief for Assignment 1: unit 008 (level 4): Roles, responsibilities and relationships in lifelong learning Use the poster template to write an overview of your roles and responsibilities as a teacher within your subject…
made. PREPARED for CLASS: You should bring your notebook, writing implements, and lab manual (appropriate lab exercise & worksheet) each day. You are responsible for bringing a copy of the appropriate PowerPoint lectures. It is highly suggested you stay ahead bringing the “next” PowerPoint as well. You do not need to bring your textbook each day, but be aware on which days you should bring it. LAPTOPS/NETBOOKS: You are welcome to bring your laptops or equivalent to class for lectures and…