Unit 222 Communicate In A Business Environment Essay

Words: 966
Pages: 4


Candidate: Frances Chambers
Unit: - 222
Level: 2
Credit Value: 3

This statement demonstrates my knowledge and understanding of Learning Outcomes. Learning Outcome 1: Understand the purpose of planning communication

Explain why different communication methods are used in the business environment.

Effective communication is vital to the smooth running of a business and various methods of communication are used within a business environment to achieve this. Each form has various benefits to communicate effectively to their designated target audience. When communication is carried out properly it means the sender and receiver both correctly obtain the same information. Each

Incorrect spelling can lead to confusion, mistakes being made and communications being misinterpreted. One misspelled word can change the entire meaning of a sentence giving the reader the wrong message or impression. e Conventions

It is important to use conventions in business communications to ensure the writing is in a easier format which the reader will be comfortable with. Conventions are the spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar and paragraphing making writing more understandable. This enhances the readability for the audience so they can fluently read the communication without having to stop and try figure out what was actually intended. The use of proper grammar and vocabulary is appropriate in business documents, such as emails and letters, as it is important in a working environment to form a professional respectable relationship with colleagues and customers. If sending an email or letter professionally for business use this would be in a very formal format, whereas if the email was getting sent to a friend the language would be very informal with possibly the use of flag or text talk. The use of conventions always needs to be adjusted depending on the audience, purpose and context.
Explain the importance of using appropriate body language and tone of voice when communicating verbally.

A large part of face-to-face communication is made up of non-verbal information and is expressed by body language and tone of voice.