Unit 21 - Nutrition Essay

Words: 1126
Pages: 5

P3 : Explain possible influences on dietary intake
M2 : Assess how influences on dietary intake may affect the nutritional health of individuals
D1 : Make realistic recommendations for minimising negative on the individuals in specific health and social setting.

There are many influences that may affect an individual and their diet; in this essay I will take you through the various amounts of factors that may affect an individual. Factors such as medical disorders, personal preference, lifestyle and cultural factors.


There are many underlying health conditions that result in an individual having to alternate their dietary intake. It’s always important that an individual eats healthy, but because of not being

Gluten is found in all food products containing wheat, rye and barley. People with celiac disease can eat alternative starches such as rice, potatoes, millet, corn and quinoa. Fresh fruits, vegetables, and meats do not contain gluten and are safe food choices for people with celiac disease.

Diabetes is a chronic medical condition characterized by elevated blood sugars. One of the primary treatments for diabetes is diet. MayoClinic.com says people with diabetes do not have to eat special food, they just need to eat the same amount of food every day and at the same time. If people eat consistently and regularly, their carbohydrate intake will be the same from day to day and their blood sugars will stay in control.

Kidney Disease
The kidneys are responsible for filtering waste products from the blood. With chronic kidney disease, waste builds up in the blood, making people sick, according to the National Kidney Foundation. The diet for chronic kidney disease limits foods that contribute to the build-up of waste. It is low in protein, sodium, potassium, phosphorous and fluid, says the University of Maryland Medical Centre. The diet may need to be readjusted depending on the degree of kidney failure and the need for dialysis.

High Cholesterol
People with high cholesterol are at greater risk of developing heart disease, according to the American Heart Association. People with diets high in saturated fats---like