You should use this file to complete your Assessment.
1 The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a USB drive
2 Then work through your Assessment, remembering to save your work regularly
3 When you’ve finished, print out a copy to keep for reference
4 Then, go to and send your completed Assessment to your tutor via your My Study area – make sure it is clearly marked with your name, the course title and the Unit and Assessment number.
Please note that this Assessment document has 13 pages and is made up of 5 Sections.
Organisation: Which organisation(s) are you basing your answers to this assessment on? If you are currently working, you may wish to base it on the organisation which employs you.
Can you provide a brief description of this organisation? (Please note you will not be marked on this; it is simply to provide your tutor with a brief outline.)
Section 1 – Understand the factors that affect an organisation and the customer service role
1. Complete the table below with a description of the products and services for at least two commercial organisations, public organisations and third sector organisations.
Please ensure you provide a description for each organisation, rather than a list.
Organisation type
Name of organisation
Description of products and services
Their products are bakery related like pastries, bread, cookies and sweets baked goods, you can also find sandwiches. Greggs provide a bakery service delivering freshly baked products to the public in their shops.
They are focused in providing value for money products and friendly customer services.
Hilton Hotels & Resorts
Hilton Hotels are the leading name in service industry and most recognized. They are either owned, managed, or franchised to independent operators by Hilton Worldwide. Their main purpose is to give their customers individualized service and best hotel quality.
NHS ( National Health Service)
NHS is publicly funded healthcare system and politically accountable to the government. The service provides a comprehensive range of health services, the vast majority of which are free at the point of use for residents of the United Kingdom
HM Revenue & Customs
. HMRC is the UK’s tax authority, responsible for making sure that the money is available to fund the UK’s public services and for helping families and individuals with targeted financial support.
Third sector organisation
The Salvation Army
The Salvation Army is a Christian denomination and international charitable organization organized in a quasi-military structure. Their services are based on working with people who are vulnerable and marginalized across the world and offer very practical help, unconditional assistance and support regardless of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation.
Third sector organisation
Marie Currie Hospice
It is a UK charity organization providing support to people with cancer and other terminal illnesses. Moreover the organization dedicated to raising awareness and funds for cancer and terminal illnesses also provides care services or fund specialist healthcare professionals. Their services are nursing, hospices, research and campaigning for patients.
2. Complete the table below by describing the differences in customer service between commercial, public and third sector organisations. You should outline customer service roles in each organisation and highlight the differences in how customer service is carried out across these organisations.
Organisation typeDescription of customer service and the differences between organisations
Commercial organisation . Customer service is the whole activity of identifying customer needs in all their complexity, satisfying them fully, and keeping them satisfied. Also
responsibilities and working in a business environment Assessment You should use this file to complete your Assessment. * The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a disk * Then work through your Assessment, remembering to save your work regularly * When you’ve finished, print out a copy to keep for reference * Then, go to and send your completed Assessment to your tutor via your My Study area – make sure it…
is irregular in frequency and excessive amount Menopause permanent cessation of menstruation during the climacteric Menorrhagia excessive bleeding at the time of menstruation in duration, amount of blood loss, or both Obj 2: Describe the nursing assessment for the gynecological examination: (pg. 763-768) Schedule the examination about 2 weeks after her menstrual period and not to douche or have sexual intercourse for at least 48 hrs. Before the exam. Avoid vaginal meds, douches, sprays or deodorants…
Management System arrangement details 2. Background 3. Hand Arm Vibration (HAV) 4. Health Surveillance 5. Exposure Levels 6. Assessing Exposure Levels 7. Reducing Exposure to Hand Arm Vibration 8. Process Flowchart 9. Record of Exposure 10. Risk Assessment 11. References 12. Suggested low-vibration alternatives SECTION 1. SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SMS) ARRANGEMENT DETAILS Policy & Objectives To ensure that risks associated with exposure to hand arm vibration are managed effectively…
Table of Contents Acknowledgement………………………………………………………………………………………...i Abstract……………………………………………………………………………………………………….ii Acknowledgement Expressing gratitude is a difficult task, and words often fall short of reflecting once feeling. It is our proud privilege however to do so we undertake this task with let most sincerity. We are grateful to Dr. Samta Jain for providing us with an opportunity to do this work and giving invaluable encouragement in our…
NAME: AKMAL SYALWANI BINTI IDRIS MATRIX NO: 2010132513 DATE: 13TH SEPTEMBER 2013 RESEARCH PROPOSAL THE IMPACT OF SERVICE QUALITY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IN AUTO BAVARIA, GLENMARIE: AN EMPIRCAL STUDY THROUGH SERVQUAL Abstract This research aims to investigate the relationship between the service quality and customer satisfaction in Auto Bavaria Glenmarie by using SERVQUAL analysis. It also aims to examine the influence and effect of applying quality service towards customer satisfaction…
Is there a significant difference in height of Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) from a light area and a dark area? Abstract: This investigation was designed to compare the height of Pteridium aquilinum in a light area and a dark area of Rushy Plains, Epping Forest and to establish if light intensity does have an effect on the growth of Pteridium aquilinum, commonly known as Bracken. From my research it was clear that the height of Bracken is affected by abiotic factors, other than light intensity…